eighteen | shut out

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Jimin didn't talk after the sleepover. In fact, he completely ignored us. I didn't know why, but Taehyung was acting weird too. I had told him about it and he just said to give him some space.

But... it's been a week and he's saying the same thing.


"Hey Ji-" He walked straight past me as if he didn't hear a word. This happened probably more than 10 times this week, and it's been long enough.

So, I got hold of his arm. He tried pulling his arm free quickly but I tightened my grip.

"L... let go..."

He stuttered...

Is he scared? Nervous? What of?

"Not until you tell me why you're ignoring us." He bit his lip and tried pulling his arm back again, wincing in pain.

I then widened my eyes and quickly let go realising that I was hurting him. "Sorry... I didn't realise." He just nodded and turned the other way, and I sighed letting him go. He didn't seem like he would talk anyways.

But when he walked, he was limping. Why was he limping? Did he fall down somewhere...? He probably just tripped somewhere knowing how clumsy he used to be... he's probably still the same.

After school I was thinking about Taehyung. The way he's telling me to give him some space... that's not him. It's as if he knows something.

I ended up walking to his house and ringing the bell. The door opened to reveal a confused Taehyung. "What you doing here?"

"Let's talk inside" I said and he sighed nodding, letting me in. "So... what is this about?" "Do you know what's going on with Jimin?" "No... why? Do you?"

"You're acting weird, Tae. You know something." "I don't, I know as much as you." I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed looking away. "I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone..."

"...What?" He looked back at me and said, "Don't worry, he'll get better soon, just go-" "No, tell me what you know." "I said I wo-" "I'll tell you what I know... please, Jimin's in a terrible state right now."

His expression seemed to tense up a little then he asked, "What's going on with him?" "Pretend you don't know, ok? It'll ruin Jimin if he finds out you know." "Ok... I don't want that happen. Tell me."

"Ok well... when he went abroad his parents died." Tae widened his eyes and I carried on talking, "He was framed for it... and it was the people that he thought were his friends' fault. It beat him inside... he didn't trust us when he got back. And he hates himself so much... it hurts to even see him like that..."

Taehyung was staring at me with widened eyes. "...Tell me what you know now" I said. "H... he almost cut himself... I found a blade in one of the draws in his bathroom and he admitted it... he told me not to tell anyone because he wanted to forget about it... b... but if he hates himself like you said then..."

He gulped and I widened my eyes remembering something.

The way Jimin walks... so weakly. And today, he was clearly limping... in fact, he's been limping quite a lot before today.

"...T...Tae..." I bit my lip thinking of the worst.

"...We have to go to his house right now."


It's about to get real depressing from now on prepare ya tissues 🤧🤧

Also sorry about the slow updates lately I started school and its exhausting 😭

Also lockdown sort of started where I am again... I'm scared tbh... I mean that's normal... ugh my head's so messed up right now.

So excuse my slow updating please, I'm trying to update when I can but sometimes I'm not in the right mood to do so or have a headache.

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