fourty-nine | happy ending

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I woke up to my alarm going off, I smiled widely turning it off and jumping up.

Finally we would go on that date...

I got ready, wearing something comfortable as that's what Jimin suggested so we could hang out all day.

After applying some light makeup, I went downstairs and went out, going to where we would meet.


It's abnormal for a date out, maybe? Eh. As if we're normal anyways.

I walked in the shop and smiled seeing Jimin on one of the tables, he smiled and waved at me once he saw me.

I went over and sat down, my eyes widening as I looked at him.

He's wearing casual clothes yet looking as hot as the freakin sun-

"Like what you see?" he smirked and I shook my head grabbing the drink he got me.

"Oh, so I look bad then?" "NO!" I snapped my head up and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I then realised that I had just yelled out in the middle of a shop in the morning...

Great start to the day, Y/n.

He smiled, getting hold of his drink and drinking some of it.

Meanwhile I was sitting there my cheeks and ears a light red.

He looked up at me when he noticed that I wasn't having my drink then asked, "Aren't you gonna drink that?" "...H...huh?"

I looked down at my drink and made an 'Oh' noise before bringing the cup to my lips, drinking some of it.

He chuckled looking at me and I looked back at him confused.

"What is it-" He brought his arm up, wiping my lips with his sleeve.

He then leaned back still smiling and said, "You had some foam on your lips."

I stared at him before blinking my eyes a couple of times and staring down at my drink again.

Man why do I have to embarrass myself so much today...


We hung out together the whole day, having the time of our lives. We did things like going to the theme park and watching a movie, like he said, cliche, but it was really fun.

It was dark now, and we were waiting for the fireworks to start, sitting down together as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Then it started.

The loud sound followed by the colourful explosion high in the sky.

"It's starting!" I got up excited and Jimin got up too, the both of us staring up with amazed eyes.

It went on for minutes, it was beautiful. A hundred colours filled the sky, different shapes and designs.

All of a sudden Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him gently.

I stared into his eyes and he smiled down at me.

As if on queue, the fireworks stopped, as it would take a minute for it to start again.

"I realised I never asked you..." We stared at each other for a moment then he continued, "Y/n... again thank you so much for being here in my life... you literally saved my life... and you've allowed me to see the bright side of everything, just when I thought everything was going to end."

He smiled then said, "You being by my side made me realise that there's light to my life... you made me realise a lot of things actually. And I need you here by my side... So will you stay with me, and be my girlfriend?"

My eyes were teary by now, I couldn't really speak. So I just nodded instead.

He smiled even wider before closing the gap between us, kissing me, the both of us letting out each our emotions for one another.

The fireworks started again, and we pulled back staring into each others eyes, admiring the light that our lives had held onto all this time.

* . °•★| THE END |☆•° . *


It's finally finished 🎉🤧

Hope ya'll enjoyed the story! It was fun to write~

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