two | different

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We didn't contact each other. Not even once. His number was out of service the day after he left, and he never called.

It was gloomy at first, but we eventually got used to it. Taehyung became friends with someone new, a cute and innocent boy, Jungkook. He livened everything up.

The year passed, the last day of school definitely brought some memories back for sure.

Taehyung sighed as he kicked a stone as we were all walking. "Hyung?" Jungkook asked. Tae just hummed in response. "...Are you crying?" I snapped my head to look at him, and indeed, his eyes were teary.

"No" he wiped his tears away with his elbow and carried on walking but I held onto his arm. He sighed then muttered, "I hate my life..."

"...What-" "I'm transferring schools." My eyes widened and so did Jungkook's. He scoffed then said, "I don't know why I'm being so pathetic about this, it's just that... I'll miss you both..." he said the last part quietly.

"Tae... at least you're not moving city or the country... we'll be able to meet up easily" I said. He nodded then looked at his arm and I let go of it.

"I wanna be alone today, please..." he walked away before we could say anything. I looked at Jungkook who was looking at the ground with tears in his eyes.

He really is a sensitive bunny...

I sighed and patted his shoulder. "Cheer up, kook. Come on, let's go to the milkshake place."

He smiled slightly, and I chuckled, holding his hand as we started walking.

We both ordered a banana milkshake and sat by the window. I looked at Jungkook as he stared out of the window, a slight pout on his face.

I smiled and patted his head, making him look at me. "You're so cute" I laughed slightly and his pout only deepened.

"Here's your milkshakes" a waiter said as she put them down on the table. Jungkook smiled and started drinking it straight away.

I smiled at him and started drinking it too. Jungkook finished the drink within a minute then sighed. I looked at him, he looked sad.

"Koo, don't worry. We'll bother him everyday and make sure he gets annoyed by our presence." He smiled cutely and nodded.

I finished my drink and looked outside, remembering Jimin. We said that we'll contact each other everyday, but 365 days have passed and not a single text, call, or anything has been shared. To me or Tae.

I was half upset and half worried. We don't know the reason, something might have happened. Or he lost his phone, then couldn't remember our numbers? I'm sure that's not it...

"Y/n..." I looked at him then he said, "Can we go and see Tae hyung...? I don't want him to be sad" he said fidgeting with his fingers. I smiled and thought about it. I didn't want Tae to feel down either.

"Ok, let's go." Jungkook smiled widely, then jumped up and went out, me following him.

Jungkook was practically running and it took all my energy to keep up with him. Once we reached Tae's house, I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my life. "You... run so fast" I panted but Jungkook just rang the bell tapping his foot impatiently.

About 10 seconds later the door opened and Jungkook jumped straight onto Tae, tackling him in a hug. Taehyung, clearly startled, hugged him back slowly.

"Don't be upset, TaeTae hyung..." Jungkook whined digging his face into the older's neck. I awwed at the sight and Taehyung smiled, leaning back from the hug.

Jungkook pouted then said, "Are you still sad? Do you wanna watch Iron Man-" "We've watched that too many times kook" he chuckled and Jungkook whined, "there's nothing such as watching Iron Man too many-"

"Fineee, come on." Jungkook squealed like a kid and ran past Taehyung, and I shook my head walking in too.

Jungkook grabbed the remote and put the movie straight on before we could even sit down. Tae sat down and Jungkook helped himself to the free seat and plopped onto his lap, staring at the TV.

Taehyung sighed and wrapped his arms around the younger's body, watching the TV.


I leaned against Tae's shoulder, watching the TV too.

Things won't be different. Well... the only thing that will be different is that we won't all go to the same school anymore. But these fun days, where we meet up and smile, laugh and cheer ourselves up won't change.

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