thirty | confession

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I froze, and silence filled the room.

After a minute of us just standing there and not saying anything, Jimin stepped closer and lifted my chin up with his finger.

I stared into those mesmorizing eyes again, and that warm feeling filled me up again.

"Why are you acting weird around me?" he asked again. "I talked to Jungkook earlier, he said you were acting fine until I showed up. What's going on?"

I wanted to say it was nothing, say he was mistaken. But I couldn't move a muscle, or say anything. It's as if everything had stopped.

"...Answer me, I'm worried..." he said quietly, making my heart clench. I didn't want to tell him... he might start to feel weird around me, or want to avoid me.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked with a slightly sad face which made me feel guilty all over.

"" I finally managed to speak. "...Then what's wrong?" "It's nothing, don't worry-" "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked in a hurt voice.

My eyes softened as he spoke, "You always listen to me when something's wrong, but you won't tell me anything when I'm here to listen. I want to help you too, you know..."

"...I...It might make you feel strange... I don't want to make you feel like that..." "Just tell me." I went silent and he sighed lightly before biting his lip still staring into my eyes.

"Is it something bad?" he asked. "W... well not exactly..." "Will it hurt either of us?" "...P... probably..." It was silent for a moment before he asked, "Will it be better to get it out?" "...I don't know..."

He sighed then said, "Try it... you told me it's better to let it out rather than keeping it all in."

I sighed looking down but he made me look at him again. "...Tell me."

Something about his gentle stare made me want to tell him. Let out. Because letting it out would be better... right?

That's what I said. And that's what he just said.

So obviously I'd want to let it out.

"You... you won't judge me right?" "Of course not." I bit my lip and stared deeply into his soft, doe eyes that were staring into mine.

"I think... I have feelings for you..."

I bit my lip, waiting for a reaction but all he did was stare at me with an unreadable expression.

He stared at me, but then looked down at my lips and back into my eyes.

He then blinked a couple times and let go of my chin, taking a step back.

...What is it? Does he hate me now? Why is he reacting like this?

"...W...wh-" "N... no..." He shook his head and I started to get worried at his state. His eyes were widened now, and he was staring at the floor.

He bit his lip and turned around, but I got hold of his wrist, turning him back around.

He looked up at me slowly, staring into my eyes. Before either of us could say or do anything, a different voice stepped in.

"...Well, well, what do we have here?"

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