sixteen | worse and worse

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A/n: back to Y/n's POV

Jimin only seemed to get worse. Meaning, he would refuse to talk or hand out. He always seemed that he wanted to be alone.

And I respected that... but I was worried about what he was thinking, or doing. I could never find out as he shut himself out.

But it had been 2 weeks, and I couldn't just sit still any longer. So, I pulled out my phone and texted in the group chat (me, Kook and Tae).

Hey guys

U wanna have a sleepover?


Heh... oki but where?

Jimin's... we haven't properly caught up yet. And you don't know him much personally, Kook.

Ok... but we haven't really been talking... he's ok right?

Yeah, he's just feeling a little stressed. He'll feel better after this :)


U sure tho?

U asked him?



I'll ask him now, ok?


I sighed and called Jimin. I was 99% sure he would say no but I'm determined to convince him.

I waited and waited but he didn't pick up. I texted him to call when he's free then went downstairs to eat something.


It was about 6pm when Jimin called.

I immediately picked it up.

Hey Jimin?


His voice sounded tired... and weak.

You feeling ok? You sound tired.

Yeah, I am... can't sleep.


Why did you want to talk?

I was gonna ask if we could all have a sleepover, but if you're tired then-



The sleepover? Today?

Oh... aren't you tired though?

I'm fine... won't be able to sleep anyway. Where at?


Umm... ok I guess. You told the others?


Well, tell them to come in like an hour. I'll try to get a nap in that time.

Ok, see you in a bit :)

Jimin sighed and put down the phone. He didn't want to have a sleepover really... he just didn't want to be alone.

He just cut himself badly and it hurt like hell, yet he still wanted to do more.

He obviously won't be able to do it if there's 3 other people in the house, so that's why he was desperate for the sleepover.


"EYY CHIM LONG TIME NO SEE" Tae flung an arm over Jimin's shoulder and smiled. The older smiled back slightly but it was a weak smile, almost fake.

"...Hey, you ok?" "Yeah, just a little tired." "Oh, ok so-" "I GOT THE POPCORN BITCHES" I stormed past them both breaking them apart.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and we all sat down in front of the TV.

"What should we wa-" "IRON MAN!" Jungkook yelled out and we all sighed. "The amount of times we watched that I swear to god Kook... something else for once please."

"Hmm, ok... hOw AbOuT aVeNgErS?"

"You know what give me the remote" I snatched the remote off Tae and smirked picking a horror movie.

"NOOO NOONA DON'T PLEASE!" Jungkook begged but my smirk only grew wider. "No Y/n... that ain't scary at all... No... No... YES THAT ONE!" "OH MAN HOLY CHIMMEH NOT THAT ONE!"

"...I-" Poor Jimin couldn't even talk because Jungkook started yelling again when I put the movie on.

"NOO WHY NO I'M GOING HOME BYE-" Tae pulled him back down when he tried getting up, making sure he couldn't escape by putting the younger onto his lap and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"NOOO TAE" he yelled and then I realised that Jimin hated horror films too.

But when I looked at him, he had a straight face. That made me worried a little for some reason.

Time skip cause I'm too lazeh

"I'm going to sleep" Jungkook murmered and curled up on the couch. "Kook, don't just sleep on the-" "Just let me sleep" he whined and Tae sighed.

"You have any extra rooms?" he asked Jimin. "Yeah... only one though." "Alright Y/n take that room let's go sleep."

He got up and I raised an eyebrow at him. "You seem a little forceful huh?" "What? Ain't letting you sleep with a boy at your age."

I snorted and crossed my arms. "What are you? My dad? Plus we know each other, dumbo." "Men should never be trus-"

"Aish, let's just go" Jimin said grabbing Tae's arm and dragging him away.

I shook my head and went to the spare room, going straight to sleep.


Lol I made Kookie afraid of horror films xD

Poor Chim tho 😞

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