seventeen | almost caught

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"WAKE UP!!!" Taehyung nearly jumped out of his skin as Jungkook screamed into his ear.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" he yelled as Jungkook smirked.

Jimin groaned and turned the other way. "Why are you all so loud" he muttered.

Tae glared at Jungkook before getting up and going to get some clothes from his bag. He sighed when he realised he forgot to bring a toothbrush.

He went back into Jimin's room and saw the older sitting on his bed, eyes still closed slightly. "You have an extra toothbrush? I forgot mine." "Yeah I should..." "Ok"

He went into the bathroom with clothes and changed, then looked in the draws for a spare tooth brush. He sighed and opened the last draw and froze.

A blade.

With shaky hands he picked it up and stared at it. It was clean but that didn't stop the worst thoughts filling his mind...

He ran out of the bathroom and went over to Jimin, grabbing his wrist.

"...What-" Before he could say anything, Taehyung pulled down his sleeve and sighed in relief when he saw nothing on his wrists.

Jimin's heart started beating faster and faster. He knew no one would find out because he never brought the blade to his wrists... but Tae thought that he had done it.

"Why do you have a blade in there?" he asked staring right into Jimin's doe eyes. Jimin kept silent. "Why?!" he suddenly yelled making the older flinch.

Jimin knew he had to make something up... something convincing... something like accidently leaving it there wouldn't work. He had to say the truth but lie at the same time.

"I... I was about to use it.... but I didn't..." he said looking away. "...What?" Jimin bit his lip and Tae tightened his grip on the older's wrist, making him look back at him wincing.

"For what? What were you going to use it for?" Jimin just stared into the younger's eyes. If he was reacting like this when he said that he almost wanted to do it, how would he react if he found out the truth?

"You were going to cut yourself? Why?" The older kept quiet again and Taehyung couldn't take it anymore. He pulled Jimin to his chest, hugging him tightly, startling the older.

"Ok, don't talk about it if you don't want to, but don't ever think about it again." The older slowly nodded, hesitantly bringing his arms up to hug Taehyung back.

They stayed like that for a while before Jimin asked, "Can you not tell anyone...? I want to forget about it..." The younger sighed and pulled back, staring into Jimin's eyes.

After a while he nodded and Jimin looked away guilty. "I'm sorry..." said quietly. "You didn't do anything... like I said don't think about doing it again, ok?"

Jimin nodded then got up and said, "I gotta use the bathroom." Taehyung nodded but then froze, making Jimin sigh. "I'm just using the toilet, don't tense up like that."

Taehyung nodded biting his lip and Jimin sighed again before going into the bathroom. As soon as he locked the door he slid down to the floor and cried silently into his knees.

He felt guilty as hell. The amount of times he hurt himself... he couldn't even count at this point. And here's Taehyung worrying about him, when he thinks that he didn't even do anything in the first place.

He didn't want to do it again... well, he never wanted to but when he was feeling extremely down it was the only thing he could think of.

He couldn't live knowing that his friends could find out... he was really scared of their reaction now, after seeing Taehyung's.

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