twenty | habits

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Jimin sighed as I held the energy bar close to his mouth.

"You know I can't..." "You won't be able to with that mindset. It's not much, start off slow. Just a bite, come on."

He stared at the bar then took a small bite, chewing on it for at least a minute before swallowing.

He winced and I patted his shoulder smiling. "There... see? You did it." He smiled weakly but then looked away, biting his lip.

"...What is it?" I put the energy bar down and looked at him. He kept silent for a while before asking, "Can I be honest with you...?" "Yeah, of course."

He sighed and said, "I'm scared I won't be able to get better... I mean, it's hard to break out of habits, good or bad." "Yeah, it's hard. But you just have to put the effort in."

I held his hand, squeezing it gently. He looked at me and I looked straight into his eyes.

"Putting your effort means you have to stop hurting yourself. If you even think about doing it, call me straight away, ok?"

He nodded and I smiled bringing my hands up to his face. "And smile too, it helps, like you said before." I pinched his cheeks and pulled on them, making him smile but his eyes showed that he was annoyed.

I laughed and put my hands back down, Jimin sighing and the smallest smile formed on his lips, making me smile even more.

He will get better. I'll make sure of that.


The next day Jimin wasn't ignoring us anymore of course. Jungkook was happy about that, he stuck next to him like glue clinging onto his arm.

After school Jimin said he would just sleep once we got home so we went our seperate ways, after me telling him to give a call once he wakes up.

I couldn't study once I got home. I was too worried about what he has said.

"it's hard to break out of habits, good or bad."

It was so true... and it worried me. Even though I told him to call if something goes wrong...

I snapped my head over to my bed when I heard my phone ring. I quickly got up and picked my phone up, answering straight away when I saw that it was Jimin who had called me.

"Jimin? Are you ok?" "C... can you come over... please?" "Yeah, ok I'll be right there." I put the phone down and rushed out, running over to his house.

Once I got there I rung the bell but it didn't open. I remembered that I had his house key, so I quickly got it out and unlocked the door, rushing in.

"Jimin?!" I couldn't see him downstairs so I went upstairs and was about to open his bedroom door, but it opened by itself.

Jimin jumped straight onto me, taking me by surprise. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and dug his face into my neck, letting out a shaky breath.

"J...Jimin?" His breathing was a bit heavy and it worried the hell out of me. I put my hands on his shoulder pushing him back so I could look at him but he only hugged me even tighter.

"C...can't breathe." "Sorry..." he mumbled and loosened his grip slightly. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.

We enjoyed each other's embrace, no words but it was more than enough to ease each other's worst thoughts.

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