twenty-five | alone pt.2

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The next day, we didn't talk to each other. I clearly got the idea that Jimin wanted the space after yesterday, and Jungkook probably didn't know what to say.

I told him that Jimin was in a bad mood and wanted to be alone, which he would have got the idea anyways... so he would have a lot of questions. I was just too occupied in my own thoughts to consider talking to him. Well... I didn't want to worry the sensitive boy.

At lunch I didn't want to eat so I just walked around the hallways for a bit. That was before I turned the corner and clashed into someone, making the both of us fall over.

They tried catching me as I fell, but failed. In fact they only made it worse, as two seconds later my back was against the floor with them on top of me.

The weight wasn't as much as I thought it to be though...

I opened my eyes when I heard a painful groan. A very familiar groan.

I widened my eyes as I locked eyes with Jimin, who's body was literally pressed against mine.

He widened his eyes too, and we just stayed there for a moment, both too shocked to do anything.

Staring into each others eyes, a weird aura surrounded us.

He looked almost hurt... but tired at the same time. Not upset like yesterday... but you couldn't say he was in a good mood either. He also had a different different feeling... but... what is it-

My thoughts were cut off as he scrambled to his feet, nearly loosing balance again but he caught himself with an arm against the lockers.

I got up too, looking around to see if anyone saw the not-so-right-position-at first-glance sight. But luckily no one was around.

When I looked back at Jimin he was completely leaning against the locker, eyes clenched shut.

"...Jimin?" He opened his eyes slowly and stared at me for what seemed like a minute, but it was barely 10 seconds, before walking away.

I started to get worried. He looked like he was in pain for a second... But I shouldn't ask. After yesterday... I'm pretty sure that it would only get worse.

So I let him be, and two days passed. It was a Saturday, and I was just lazing around, not bothering to do any work.

When I got a text from Taehyung I was sooo grateful you have no idea.

Hey Y/n?

You saved my boring af Saturday... What's up?

Kookie's over...

But umm...

He's really upset...

About Jimin

About Jimin?

Well we can't exactly tell him...


I know you said that our suspicions were wrong... But tell me the truth.

Everything fits in... And... Well just- just tell me what really happened.


I shouldn't...

Well don't get me wrong I really want to... but...

You don't wanna ruin Jimin?


He needs to get better. And two people is better than one.


Ok then.

So... we were right.

He did it.

He hurt himself...

A lot.


He didn't have any cuts though... I checked

You must have checked his wrists

He only hurt himself on his thighs

...He... did that to hide it from everyone then?

He sees it as a weakness... he hates himself for it. He knows it's wrong but does it anyways... he said it helps or something...

He finds it difficult to stop doing it anyways.

He had a full on breakdown about a week ago... I've never seen him like that. He even passed out

I stopped trying when I remembered something Jimin said a few days ago.

"I'm not going against what I want... I've had enough of that. I'm doing what I want now"

I started getting really worried all of a sudden.

He wouldn't... would he?

I got up, completely forgetting about Taehyung and rushing out of the house.

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