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I nodded my head at her, still eating my breakfast. I went back to Taiwan because I felt like some of them knew about me so I just went back here.

"What the hell! How?! I mean, yeah! How?!"

"They're 15 but nah, that's really way to easy. Killing a hundred people is just a warm up for me."

Elkie's jaw dropped. "What?" It really is just a warm up for me. "You're a monster!!"

"No, only a bitch." I corrected.

"Anyway, let's go back to the topic. You killed them all by yourself?! But how didn't they have the chance to take out their guns?!"

I shrugged my shoulders, making her whine. "Eh! Unfair!"

"Let's just say I did one of my things how to kill men in instant without them pointing their guns at me."

Elkie and I enjoyed breakfast on her place. She asked me if we need to tell South Korea Mafia about me killing the whole group of North America Mafia but I told her no.

But not really that me me. Let'd just say, Elkie is gonna tell them that an Asian Mafia or a member from her organization killed the whole group or whatever that doesn't include my name.


The girls knew me as one of the most stubborness person they ever met. I won't stop until I get the information I wanted. And we've been sending them informations day by day which no one can do unless you're really trained and you're already skilled.

They might think that I really am alive, which is yes and they might blackmail Elkie if she wouldn't tell them about me.

And Jeongyeon unnie can notices these kind of things. How can a Mafia that isn't train for more than years can get these informations quickly?

In order for them not to think of this, I told Elkie to tell them about this after 2 weeks.

I stayed in Taiwan for a few days before going back. My co-workers is starting to envy because the manager said I can take a day-off everytime I want, because he doesn't want any bars to steal me. Because of me, their bar is getting the popularity "they really do not" deserve. I mean, I don't care about it. All I need is money, for me to survive. And more infos about the Western Mafias before the war starts, kill the murderers of Jungkook's parents and kill the heirs and after that, I'll stay at Taiwan until I die.

And they're saying I'm making him happy everytime in his room like duh, bitch. Didn't you guys notice he's gay?!

These bitches might be Eunseo's long lost sisters.

I ignored them and just continued doing my work. I'm actually calming myself before I can kill them in their sleep.

Unlike before, my patience isn't that long but after I learned the mistakes I made in the past, I changed myself.

"Here goes the slut." I heard some of them whispered as I enter our room where we can rest before we go back to our house.

Oh please guys, if y'all are gonna whisper about me, make sure I'm not gonna hear those. If Jeongyeon unnie and Nayeon unnie are here, they're probably beating these girls now. Especially Jeong unnie, her patience is very thin and when she's really really about to burst, she's just quiet and if you do something she doesn't like, say bye bye.

Another month has passed and yet I didn't got any informations which I was thankful. Elkie told me that they already knew about the Mafia who killed the whole group of North America Mafia. I was a little surprised but after remembering that the boys married the girls, I knew they've been watching their moves. Hopefully, I'm not included.

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