/Twenty Seven/

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Irene's PoV

"We're going to combine them again. The real ones." I said

"C-combine? What do you mean unnie?" Yuqi asked.

"I understand that you all see that recruiting Nayeon and her squad is a huge help since KD based the facials of the robots on them. But our problem is, they are not together anymore. I talked with Nayeon before and she told me that they all went in separate ways." I said

"So we need to keep going now, we still need to train them," Umji said

"Yeah, they have many things to apply and learn," Chaeryeong added.

"But will they agree?" Yuna asked that made us all anxious.

"We need to make them," I said

After the talk with the junior team, I decided to call out a meeting. I called out the head departments and wait for them at the meeting room where the junior team is also.

Not so long, Wendy who's in charge of the police department arrived. Joy also went in who's now the substitute of scholar department since I didn't still approve her promotion. Lastly, Seulgi arrived who's in charge in the BFT-department. I also called Yeri, my secretary to document the whole meeting.

"Let's start?" I asked as I stand in the center stage.

"Ok so first, I'd like to promote Joy as the new head department of the scholars' department. I'm counting on you and I know you'll take your responsibilities fairly and good." I said

She stood up and bowed at me.

"It's an honor to receive this promotion, Irene. Thank you." She said.

"No worries, second. I'd like to promote the junior team to a special team meaning they're going to work with us. Tho there are some things that they can't access since they are still in their schooling period. They can be put in investigation team (Police department), building a team (Building futuristic technologies/BFT department), and managing team (scholars' department)." I explained.

"That's great, they deserve it to be honest," Wendy said.

"Next thing, I advise Seulgi to stop working with the robots for a while. The unfinished projects are increasing and we need to catch our quota. After all this corporate is all about building futuristic technologies right?" I said which they all agreed of.

"But how about Y/N? I heard that she's attached to the robots by now. Also, those robots need to protect and teach Y/N the things she needs to know for the future of her." Joy asked.

"The junior team opens up a plan. This is actually tricky. Actually, at first, I just want to wait for Seulgi's team to fix the robots but guess it won't happen anymore. Just like what I said, we still have our quota to reach." I spoke up.

"But this idea of the junior team is more fit to use," I said and look at them proudly.

"You all know that the robots' features are not original from KD right? He actually got it from the real person. Which is our friends in college before." I informed them since they didn't know about that fact. They only knew that the features are not originally from KD, but about the real ones? Nope.

"You mean-"Wendy asked shockingly.

"Yes, the robots' features are from the real person," I said and opened a PowerPoint.

"The junior team suggested me to get them and let them do the job. But we have a problem, they all went in different ways as what I know."

"First, bot0922. The feature comes from our college friend, Im Nayeon. I happened to meet her after I met the robots so I'm sure that she's here." I said

"Second, bot1101. Her real name is Yoo Jeongyeon. I don't know where is she right now. But based on Nayeon, Jeongyeon works day and night as a maid and waiter."

"Ok, I'll look for it immediately. Maybe she's on the list of the other companies." Joy said.

"Thanks, the next one is bot1109. Her real name is Hirai Momo. A Japanese who flew here in Korea. She's also my classmate during our college days. As far as I remember, she wanted to be a well-known dancer."

"I'll search for talent companies if she's into it," Wendy suggested.

"Ok, next one bot1229. Her real name, Minatozaki Sana. Also, a Japanese who flew with Momo here to continue her study. I bet they are together but since Nayeon said all of them separated their ways, I don't know now...."

"Do you know some info about her?" Seulgi asked.

"I don't... wait, as far as I can remember...when Y/N saw bot1229 she said that she met the robot at a café. But I guess she came to a wrong conclusion. Maybe she met the real one. She met Sana!" I exclaimed as I realized things.

"Irene, probably Y/N went to the nearest café in your house that time. I mean she never comes out right? I know that café. I'll ask the owner of it if they happen to see this girl." Yeri butted in.

"Sure, thanks. Ok next..." I stopped as I put it in the next slide.

"Bot0201 the first robot that KD programmed. Her name is Park Jihyo." I said

"She seems familiar." Joy said

"You think so? I actually do the same, to be honest." Wendy said.

Of course, they will find Jihyo familiar. KD once brought Jihyo to the headquarters. Seulgi didn't know since she's too busy with the technologies.

"I don't know her," Seulgi said and shrugged.

"Move on, next bot0324. Myoui Mina. Another Japanese, the three Japanese are always together during our college days. I don't know now."

"She's hella pretty." Joy whispered but I still heard it.

I cleared my throat causing her to focus again.

"Bot0528, Kim Dahyun. One of the school meal clubs. The junior team will look for her." I said

"Bot0423, Son Chaeyoung. Also, one is the SMC. The junior team will lead."

"Lastly, bot0614. Chou Tzuyu. Her family is also known for building technologies but more on medicals."

"Oh! I heard that Chou! I know a Chou company here who focuses on medical technologies." Seulgi exclaimed.

"That's good. So now.. maybe I'll look for Nayeon, Jihyo, Mina. The junior team with the Chaeyoung and Dahyun. Wendy, you'll look for Momo. Joy, you're in charge of Jeongyeon. Yeri with Sana...Seulgi...can you still help us? I mean you are fully loaded now?"

I asked worryingly.

"Of course. I'll look for Tzuyu. It's just a pie." She said.

"Ok, I'm counting on all of you guys. As you saw them, just inform me and I'll be the one to make an offer." I said


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