/Forty One/

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Irene's PoV

"How is it?" I asked with joy as I arrived at the headquarters.

"She'll arrive here later." Joy said.

I just nodded and fixed my stuff first. Joy told me the story and by that, I know that I have a chance to make Jeongyeon say yes to this agreement.


Jeongyeon's PoV

I'm standing outside the Kang's corporate as I think if I should go in or not.

It's already years had passed since I got a connection with the Kang specifically at Daniel. I became friends with him but all of that ended after graduation when I found out about Jihyo and him.

It shouldn't be a big deal but knowing that Jihyo hid it for long and just told us... It is the biggest betrayal. I thought we are honest with each other. But it turns out that she's hiding something from us.

I hated them so much to the point I swore not to connect with them again but now I'm here having no choice.

I need to get a job. I want to live and fulfill my dreams. I don't want my parents to see me as a disappointment.

"Miss, are you waiting for someone?" The guard of the building asked.

"A-ah yeah, I'm looking for Park Sooyoung, she gave me an offer and I'm here to talk to her about the job," I said

"Oh, she's talking with the boss. I'll inform her." He said and let me walk into the company.

He signaled me to sat in the lobby and wait which I did.

I roamed my eyes and scanning the whole place.

Neat and clean

I snapped as I remembered what the guard said.

Talking to the boss? I thought she is the boss since Daniel is already dead. I never know that there is someone higher than her.

"Good morning Ms. Yoo. Nice to see you!" She greeted as she arrived.

I look at her and stood up as I bowed to her.

"Good morning to ma'am," I said

"Drop the ma'am, we're working at the same level so just call me Joy." She said and smiled.

"U-uh yeah. T-thank you Joy." I said and bowed again.

"Let's go." She said and signaled me to follow her, we entered the elevator and wait as we arrive at the floor we are going to.

"I thought you were the boss of this company," I said to her.

"HAHAHA! Nope, this company is owned and built by Kangs. Then continued by their son Kang Daniel as their parents pass away after the success Sadly he died and let her friend take the company until his younger sister come in a right age."

Wa-wait? What?

"Daniel has a younger sister?" I asked

"Yep, you know him?" Joy asked

"Oh, right. You're his college friend if I'm not mistaken." Joy said

"H-how did yo-"

"Let's go." She said as the elevator stopped.

We went out of the place and walk to a room. As I got in, I saw a figure. A familiar figure. She's reading something in her files.

"Irene, she's here."

I'm right.

"I'll leave you now, I need to go back to my department." Joy said to Irene.

"Sure, thanks, Joy." She said and smile at Joy.

Joy patted my back and went out of the room. Now it's just me and Irene.

"Long time Jeongyeon. How are you?" She asked like nothing.

"Have a seat, want some drinks?" She asked but I remained silent.

"How? I mean you're here?" I managed to ask but still standing.

"After the graduation, Daniel recruited me as his right hand. You know that he's handling this company since before college days right?" She asked which I answered by a nod.

"I became a temporary head of the corporate until Y/N can hold the company already."


"Daniel's younger sister." She said

"Have a seat." She said

I walk closer and sat across from her.

I put my brown envelope that contains all my files on my lap and sat properly.

"You look nice in your job." I complimented.

"Thank you. But it's not the agenda here. I asked Joy to purposely look for you." She said that made me startled


"Yep, I heard that you needed a job and immediately told Joy to look for you as I really need you." She said


She explained to me everything started from the works of Daniel when he's still alive till he died.

"Y-you mean, I'll be a robot? Why can't I just act what I really I am?" I asked

"Y/N hates people. She can't stand a day being with them. If she ever did, she won't talk to them." Irene explain.

"Is that so? How much I can have?" I asked shyly.

"I'll give you double the amount of your salary in your double job," Irene said unhesitatingly.

I left my mouth slightly open as I heard her statement.

"A-are you sure?"

"Yep, I already got information about you. Joy gave it to me awhile ago." She said

That's creepy but amazing

"Ok, I'll do it," I said causing her to smile.

"Anyway, so what happened to you after graduation? I just want to know?" She asked

I look down and just smile bitterly.

"After the graduation? I look for a nice job as expected. But I became so choosy to the point all of the works that offered to be gone as they already got their needs in other employees. In the end, I decided to double work so I can give my parents money."


"All they know is I got a nice and well job. That I got a big salary. I don't want them to feel bad as they did their best to let me finish my study at the university I'm in before. So I doubled my work to have a high salary that I could give to my parents." I explained.

"You look overworked." She said

I just smiled and slightly hide my help out of embarrassment. Before, I was on top of her, but now it all went different.

"Yeah, but I don't mind tho," I said

"So you're in now right?" She asked causing me to look at her.

"Are you really sure that you'll let me in with this?" I asked.

"Yep, definitely."

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