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Third Person

"I can't believe that the person that I trusted the most did this to me. I can't believe that these robots that you are talking about that will help me just dumped me. Of all people, Irene you know that you are the only person that I trust. Then this... what is this? What kind of play is this?"

"Y/N let me explain."

"Irene you don't understand. I see them as robots. The thing that is different for the one I hated. I saw everything. The robots that I first had is in the room of Seulgi right? I don't really know why I suddenly think of that. I don't have any concrete evidence or what. I know that it's impossible but I was wrong."

"Now tell me, how? Why? When? Since when you've been fooling me?"

"Y/N it's not like that. I know you want your robots back so-"

"You did this? This is what you thought?"

"The robots can't be fixed. Seulgi tried her best with her team but failed. I know you want them back. So this is the only way that I know."

"Irene you could just told me! I can live by my own!"

"And that's what I don't like! Y/N can't you understand?! I want you to live with them. With the others. Without worries on you. I don't know what happened before. But I know that it hurts you so much. That you started to hate your own kind and you started to push them away."

"How could you say that?"

"Why don't you just admit, you don't hate people. You hate your parents and your brother. You can't just accept that you hated them because they are your family. that's why you're venting your anger to the other people."

"I lied, yes I did that. They are real. They are your brother and I's college friends. I grouped them again for this mission. But I did that for you. Because I don't want you to feel alone. Because I know you hate being like that. You keeps pushing us just to say that you hate us."

Irene stopped as she noticed that the younger is about to cry. She sighed and tried to calm herself because of the situation.

"No one is perfect Y/N. I need to lie just for you. For your best, I'm sorry if I broke your trust on me."

The younger didn't respond, she just keeps on stopping her tears not until Jihyo came closer to her and pulled her closer to her.

She hugged the younger while the younger didn't even protest.

"No one told you who to hate ok? You can hate or love who ever you want. It's your choice. We'll accept it." Jihyo said to the younger that made tears starting to fall out of her eyes.

Jihyo patted the younger's back trying to calm her. The others suddenly walked to their place and joined the moment.

"We're sorry Y/N. We didn't mean to lie to you. It's just, this is the way that Irene knows and we think that it's not a big thing. We didn't even think of your side." Nayeon said

"We can still be friends.Sometimes friends do hate each other." Momo said

"And also, we're not done with our mission yet. So means we need to continue whether you like to be with us or not." Tzuyu butted in.

They broke into the hug and looked at the younger who's now came better.

"I need to sleep." Y/N just said and went upstairs.

The others just looked at the younger as she went inside her room.

"She's better." Jihyo said.

"Well she's not the one." Irene utters.

"Yeah, finally. No more secrets. I hope Y/N is really fine now." Mina said.

"Let's just wait, she's smart enough to understand us." Irene suggested.

"You can all rest now. Let's see what will happen later or tomorrow." Irene said and left the girls.

After Irene left, they decided to stay at the living room for some talk.

"I seriously want to pee a while ago in my pants. Y/N's presence alone can kill me." Sana opened up.

"I know, I told you she's a dragon." Dahyun said

"Not after she cried." Tzuyu ranted.

"Really? Oh Tzuyu, not to assume but I think Y/N has the biggest anger with you." Chaeyoung said.

"I don't care." Tzuyu said and rolled her eyes.

"Enough, what we need to settle now is ourselves. So what now? Will you keep on this mission?" Jeongyeon asked.

The others went silent after the question so Jeongyeon answered her question.

"I'll stay, after what we did to Y/N probably She'll come back on what she use before. Also...I need money." Jeongyeon said and shrugged

"I'll stay too, Yeojin still need my support and the only way is to stay here." Nayeon said

"I'll stay too, I don't want to be alone in my apartment." Momo said

"Do you have to ask me? Of course I'll stay. Where you go, I'll follow you." Sana said

"No reasons, I will stay." Jihyo shortly said.

"Irene helped me to admit my mom on a mental institute so yeah."-Dahyun.

"Irene needs my help. So why not?" Mina stated.

"Fine, I'll stay too." Chaeyoung answered.

They all looked at Tzuyu who's not speaking.

"What? As if I got a choice."

"You have.Tzuyu don't you heard what I said a while ago?" Jihyo asked.

"Tss, I'll stay for Irene."

"We didn't ask if it's for Irene or Y/N."

"I just want to clarify, don't mind me ok?"


"Guys, let's just stop this first. Be professional." Nayeon said.

"I agree."-Sana

"Me too."-Momo

"I know that we have some issues to each other. But we're here for a mission ok? Let's try to forget it first." Nayeon continued.

After the discussion, They went on their rooms. Nayeon held Jihyo causing her to stop.

"What is it?" Jihyo asked.

"You did great a while ago. I don't know but, Y/N will listen to you more than us. So please don't ever leave us. We don't know what to do if you're not here."

"What are you talking about? You're actually the le-"

"No Jihyo, since then till now. You'll be the leader. I may be the oldest. Omg i hate the word. But yeah, it's you who can handle this kind of stuff. I hope after this mission, You can help me, Momo and Sana to get us back again together like what we used before."

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