/Twenty Nine/

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Third Person

Irene woke up early morning to prepare food for Y/N since the younger ones will go to school.

While preparing breakfast for the younger, Irene heard footsteps from the stairs made her think that the younger is already up.

She went out of the kitchen and saw the younger who's already in her uniform.

"Y/N, good morning." Irene greeted the younger.

"I prepared food for you, eat first and I'll drive you to your school."

She just looked at the older one and nodded. they walked to the dining room and she sat on the chair across to Irene.

"Uh Y/N.." Irene called up


"Sorry for last night, I had an urgent c-"

"It's ok. I'm not expecting tho." She just said.

"I'm really sorry," Irene said again

After eating, the younger immediately went outside and went in the car. She sat on the back seat while Irene drive of course.

"Want to stop first at the convenience store? Maybe you want to buy something?" Irene asked.

"No thanks. Let's just go to the school immediately. Maybe you still have things to do." She said


Irene started the car and drive her to her school. The whole time, the car is filled with breathtaking silence. Irene keeps on glancing at the younger ones through the mirror but she's busy reading something in her book.

Geez, it's really nothing for her.

Of course, it is... KD doesn't even get his time with her so maybe she's already used to it.

Irene thought. She just sighed and brushed off her thoughts.

Irene doesn't know why she's feeling guilty suddenly. When in the first place, she knows to herself that she shouldn't since she went on an important matter last night.

After a long time, they arrived at the school. Irene stopped by and look back at the younger one and saw she's getting her bag now.

"Thanks." The younger said and went out of the car.

Irene immediately brings down the window and called the younger.

"Y/N, I'll pick you up later after class ok?"

"Ok." She said and turned back again.

As the older made sure that Y/N is already inside the school. She started again her car.

she looked at her watch and saw that it's 7:00 am already.

she opened her phone to look for the address that Wendy sent her last night.

"Ok, now I need to talk for another child," Irene said to herself.


Irene's PoV

After a long ride, I arrived at the place where the entertainment that Momo is in.

I went in and went to the front desk to ask for an appointment.

"Good morning, I would like to meet the-"


I looked back and saw a familiar person. As she made sure that it was me, she walks closer and welcomes me in a big hug.

"Omg! What got you here?!"

"I'm here to look for someone. Anyway, why are you here? Lisa.."

"I'm currently working here. I'm a dance choreographer here." She said

"Woah, that's good to know! You look different now." I said as I scanned her from head to toe.

"Pfft, not really. How about you? You look more different I mean a good difference yet you still look young!" Lisa said

"Omg HAHAHAHA stop it!"

"For real, wait. Let's go to the near café if you want? My treat." She said

"Oh.. uh sure," I said as I looked at my wristwatch.

We went to a café and continued our talk after we ordered.

"So what happened to you? I didn't get any news about you after college." Lisa said

"Yeah, it's been two years right? Well, I'm into a technology company right now."

"Woah Woah, wait don't tell me you followed Daniel?!" She asked

"Ah yeah."

"Wooo... well how is he?"Lisa asked.

"He died. Just this year. Haven't heard the news?" I asked. I mean KD's company is very popular here in Korea. So there's no excuse she wouldn't know about that.

"I just got here a month ago. The CEO of the company sent me to Thailand to manage the other company there."

"Wow, that's hella amazing. You really improved a lot. You got a nice job." I said

"Thanks, well not like you. You're now in a well-known technology company. Anyway, who's managing now the company?" She asked.

I just smiled which made her frowned and eventually realized something that made her gasped.

"No way?! You! Omg! You really got the nice job!" Lisa said proudly.

"Actually not yet. I'm just handing the company for a while. I still need to do some task and wait for the will to come out." I said

"KD really trust you.. more than J-"

"Cut it out... let's forget about that.

"Oh sure..."

"Anyway, are you working with that company for long?"

"Yes, after the graduation actually. Why?"

"I'm looking for a person, I don't know if you know here but a friend of mine said she's a trainee of that entertainment where you are in also," I said

There's a possibility that Lisa didn't know Momo even tho we went to the same university. Lisa is the kind of person who sticks in her squad.


I pulled out my phone and open my gallery to show the picture to Lisa.

"Hirai Momo. Japanese and also graduated in the same university with us."

Lisa checks the picture as she nods slowly.

"Oh yeah.. this girl. She's a trainee in our entertainment."


"Yeah, but she's not active these past few days. She's a great dancer, to be honest, and had the potential to debut on a group."

"Is that so? Can you give me her address? I really need to talk to her."


"Please, Lisa! I need to talk to her for real." I begged.

"Ok ok. Don't tell anyone I gave this coz it's so weird if they found out." Lisa said that made me stop.

"Oh yeah, how did you know?" I asked

"Hehe, I actually idolize her dancing skills so I stalk her sometimes if she's not going at the studio," Lisa said.

"Oh yeah, that's weird."

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