/Ninety Two/

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A/N: Hello gaiiz! Before anything else, I just realized that this book is almost on the way on hundred chapters. I just want to say thank you for all the support that you've been giving in this story since day one, specially those who really waited on this story on my first account.

I published the original part of this on my first account as I'm working with TPO/PT/ then hold it. Unfortunately that account was unable till now. So glad that I decided to continue this here in my second account.

So yea, thanks everyone!

And lastly, this book is all the way done. So stay tuned!


Your PoV

It's already late afternoon when I woke up. I looked around and didn't see Dahyun.

At least no friend laying on my bed.

I get off of my bed and went out of the room. As I opened the door, I could her shoutings and laughing downstairs.

"Y/N! Did We woke you up?" Dahyun asked as she saw me.

"Nah." I just said and walk in the dinning room.

"You want to eat?" Jihyo suddenly appered.

"Aish! Can you stop startling me?"

"I'm not."

I just hissed and shook my head as I walk on the refrigerator to get something to drink.

"May I have your time for a while?" She asked


"I have something to tell you. And also give to you." She said that made to look at her.

"At Irene's office." She said and signaled me to follow her.

I just rolled my eyes and followed her.

"Y/N do you want to-"

"No." I said to dahyun and handed her the glass of milk that I got from the refrigerator.

"Oh- thanks."

As we arrived at Irene's office, I unconsciously roamed my eyes.

"Miss her?" Jihyo asked as she closed the door.

"Why would I?" I mumbled.

"Whatever, I just want to say sorry for what happened last time. I think we both have faults too."

No, I didn't do something wrong

"If you say so." I just said.

"Hey I'm serious. But if you got anything else to say about your brother.... please, at least have consideration. He's not here already and peacefully on wherever he is."

"Stop stop! I get it." I said

After all it's all about oppa again, geez

"Ok, last thing is here. Irene asked me to give this to you before she left." She said and handed me a small box.

"This is all?"


"Ok thanks." I said and left the room.

I walk back to my room ignoring the others who are having fun at the living room.

As I got on my room, I locked it and walk to my table.

I sat first and opened my lights then decided to open the box that Irene gave.

"What is this?" I mumbled as I saw a necklace with an eye shape that is as big as a thumb.

As I check the necklace, I accidentally pressed something that creates a click sound then it turns out that the necklace is also a flashdrive.

I get my laptop and inserted the flashdrive as a file showed up.


"For my dearest Y/N. Let me introduce myself. I'm Bae Joohyun but you can call me Irene.. I never had a younger sister but when I came in Kang's corporate, I managed to know the junior team, Joy and Yeri who are younger than me. They are all good. But there is one person that really test my position as an 'unnie'. Kang Y/N, a stubborn, unpredictable, childish Y/N. She can be anything she want which is good but you can't predict when she'll be a good and sweet one to a different one. Y/N-ssi. You'll be more tough in the future. You'll be more smart, unpredictable as always. But I want you to know that unnie is here for you. Sorry for not meeting your expectations towards me. Believe me, All i did is for the best of you. I hope the next time will see again, you're a better and well person as you want. You don't need to be like your oppa. You can be whoever you want. I'm hoping that in the future we could meet again. I would like to see your changes that you wanted as yourself."

After that, the video ended. My eyes are stuck in the screen thinking and trying to sync what just I heard.

"You're really crazy. I'll wait for you to comeback unnie."


"Y/N, wake up! Time to go to school!"

"Ihh! I want to sleep more!" I whined

"Did you able to sleep?! Why you didn't sleep on your bed instead?"

I raised up as I heard the statement finding myself in the my study table.

"Yah! Get up, I thought you'll be talking to the admin?" Dahyun asked

"Oh right! Thanks for reminding me!"

"No problem, we'll wait for you downstairs." Dahyun said and left the room.

I closed my laptop and walk to the bathroom to take a fast shower.

Right, I need to talk to the admin....

After few minutes, I walk out of my bathroom and get in my uniform. I dried my hair first and fixed myself. I stopped as I remembered something. My eyes landed on my laptop and saw the necklace that Irene unnie gave.

I get it and wear it before I walk down.

"Yah what took you so long?!" Tzuyu yelled as she saw me walking down.

"You'll be late, just eat this on the way." Jihyo said and gave us a food that they packed maybe....

"Bye!" We all said as we hopped in Tzuyu's car.

"Go to the classroom first, I need to talk to the admin." I said to them.

"Again?" Tzuyu asked

"Yep, I'll just go there after this." I said and run to the admin office before they could reply.

After few seconds, I arrived at the admin's office. I knocked first and as I received the signal, I walk in.

"Good morning Ms. Bae, what can I do to you?" She asked.

"I'll go straight to the point. I'll only agree if you give to me what I want." I said

"What? Didn't you agree already?"

"I haven't signed the papers yet." I said

I saw her hissed as I say that, that mades me want to laugh.

"What is it?" She asked

"The V+01."


"I need just a sample of it for my project. If you don't want then there will be no representative." I said

"Tss, fine! I'll tell it to Seulgi."

"Nah, I need it now." I said


"But the event!"

"The event will happen next month. The marathon will be at the end of the week of this month. Basically you have two weeks to prepare. If you win the competition , you can have it. If no, then sorry."

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