Part; 2

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'The most beautiful things in life,
Are not things,
They're people, places and memories
They're feelings and moments
Silence and laugther'

I looked behind me, my mothers eyes were shiny and watery as I entered the stairs. The train buzzed, and the last students that got on, hurried go get on. I could tell she was holding her tears back. I never quite wrapped my head around why she always would look this sad whenever I left. My mind flickered me back to the day when we said goodbye to my father. His cold, pale skin. He didn't look sad, but nor happy. All I could see was a body that I once knew and loved. I felt his warm embrace and soft voice like a summer breeze. The strong arms that held me the nights I could not sleep, because i'd had a bad dream. But my father was no longer in there, and my mind accepted it somewhat, atleast. The worst memory from that day was of my mother's broken body. I'd never seen her so thin and small eventhough her body had never looked lighter, it seemed like she struggled to stay on her feet by the heavy weight over her shoulders. Her hair was not shiny and curled like it always was. It was like her whole body was mourning the loss of a loved one. I was just a kid back then, and i didn't understand what it meant to die, i saw a dead body but i refused to believe that i'd lost my dad for good. He left his body, but he would never leave me. Right? I waited every night on our side of my bed for him to come and kiss me goodnight.


I waved her goodbye even when i couldn't see her anymore. I knew she did too. I knew her well enough to know that she would be standing at the platform looking after the train as it was leaving, and not heading home before she was sure that i wouldn't jump out of the train and come running back to her. She always supported me going to hogwarts. Eventhough i knew she wanted me to stay home, maybe even go to a normal college. She knew I loved it, and that the only reason I would stay away would be for her. And that was not fair for either of us. I knew she felt lonely, and ever since dad died i missed something in her. I missed the joy she had whitout having to look at her eyes filling up with guilt afterwards. The first time she laughed after dad passed, she started to cry. I remeber sitting next to her asking what made her sonsad. And the words that came out of her next is glued to the back of my head. 'Everytime i laugh i forget that he's gone for a second, and i want to tell him about what made me happy, and to realize he isn't here anymore, never gets easier'.

«I know you hate this part» The red haired tall, brown eyed boy i knew so very well said as he leans in close.

He touches my hand and slips his fingers around my wrist. I look up at him, I cannot help but to smile. He smelled like an cosy campfire, new baked cookies and the sweetest flowers. His brother raises his brow towards us and claps his hands together. If it weren't for the way Fred looked at me I wasn't sure i'd be able to tell them apart.

«How do i never learn from this» he says as he stands up and walk towards the door to the corridor on the train. «You two been like this for two years now, and i still haven't figured i have to place myself in a another carriage» he opens the door and signalies someone to come.

First stumbles another red haired brother, he looks a lot like his two older brothers but Ron is more of a soft and uneven buildt character. No question they're all family though, they all wear the same homemade knit sweaters by Molly. Oh how i missed her and her warm hugs. Ron entered our carriage followed by Harry who looked completly lost. His black hair was down in his eyes and he looked like he just woke up, and didn't know how he'd got on this train. I laughed soft as our eyes met. He smiled back and sat down his suitcases. He jumped me. Suddently all the thoughts of my mom were gone. I ran my fingers through his hair. He was practical my brother. I felt Freds eyes fixeded on me. But i didn't care. Last came Hermoine in, she looked like she was ready for anything. She wore a big purple winter jacket and i could glimse a hat in her pocket.

«Your parents are aware that it's fourteen degrees outside, right?» I said jokingly to her as she exhaled hard. We all look at her as she lets her stuff down in the seats and starts taking off her jacket followed by an thick sweater. Everyone starts to laugh.

Fred jumps over next to George and I realise I didn't even notic that Harry had pressed himself between us, and that he was now sitting as good as on top of me. For a moment, just for a brief moment i sat there quiet and just enjoyed all the memories i'd had on this train. The moments i kept going back to at my darkest hours to find relif and hapiness. Little did i know, this year would change everything.

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