Part; 25

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'And there she was,
At the moment I needed her the most,
And at then I was fixed'

The house was perfected and clean at every corner. It didn't look like a home, it looked like an untouched display. As we got dragged into the long entrance area, the house was divided into two staircases on each side of the hallway into the livingroom. As we entered the livingroom, I could see Harry's face turning serious and for a moment he looked scared. In front of us stood a man with white long hair, and he strongly reminded me of Draco. Even some of his facial features gave me a strong feeling that they were close relatives. Next to him stood a pretty woman at the same age. Her hair was also white as snow, but she had dark grey stripes in her hair leaving a beautiful contrast. Behind them was the familiar face of Bellatrix Lestrange. Her hair was more messy then ever before and her eyes longed at Harry. They talked between eachother before the white haired man called, «Draco!» He shouted and his name sang like wonderful song in my ears. He walked in and his eyes was attached to the ground. He wore all black, and though he usually did so, his whole radiance showed a sad and tierd version of himself. I looked at him, and at that moment he was my air. I kept looking at him desprate for him to see me, but his eyes didn't meet mine before the man, who clearly was his father placed his hand on his back neck and held him tight. «Draco, is- is it him?» he said calm but irritated. «Is it Potter?» He said as he rubbed his hand in Draco's neck. I could see Draco getting tense and uncomfortble. He took a quick look at Harry, Draco recognized him immediately. I could tell. He looked away and looked at me again desperat. I tried to shake my head careful to ask him to not say anything. He sighed before he looked at his father. «I can't tell» He said loud and clear before he stepped back so his father's hand slipped off his neck. «But the others, their his friends!» Bellatrix screamed impatient. The other woman, I figured it must be Draco's mother, placed her hands at both Draco's arms from behind him. It looked like she tried to support him. «Put three of them away then, so I can play with one» Bellatrix said as she smiled. Draco looked at me, he looked scared. But not for his own life, but for mine. As i lifted my sight I could see Bellatrix looking at me as she tilted her head and pointed her finger at me. Harry grabbed my hand, but we got torn away from eacother. I looked down as Bellatrix walked a sirkel around me. I could hear Harry and Hermoine's screaming my name as they got dragged away. Bellatrix started to pull my hair. «Such a shame, a beautiful girl» She laughed. I could see Draco's breathing getting faster. I looked at him giving him a short smile. It was my own fault I was in this situation. As Bellatrix jumped around me, almost dancing she pulled out her wand. She pushed me hard and suddent into the stone wall. I yelped in pain as my back hitted the wall. «Stop» Draco said as he stepped in front of me. Bellatrix face turned emotionless. Draco grabbed my hand. Eventhough I was freezing I could feel his hands being even colder. «Your girlfriend is she?» Bellatrix said with a pittyfull tone as she narrowed her eyes against me. Draco's mother stepped forward. «You know this girl Draco?» she asked softly and kind. Draco nodded softly still not taking his eyes away from Bellatrix. «Then she's no threat?» she asked carefully as she looked at Draco's father. «What is your name child?» His father said as he walked towards us and showing Bellatrix away from us. Draco pulled me in front of him, but I could still feel him having me as close as he could. I could feel his heart beating harder and harder as his father came closer to me. «Emma, Emma Acker» I stammered as I backed up leaving me even closer to Draco, to his parents it must have looked like i tried to cuddle him. His father looked at me before he lifted his grind upon Draco. «I trust it that you will take good care of our little guest then Draco» He said as he turned away and disappeared into something that looked like a dining room. The others followed him, some gave me nasty looks as they turned. Draco grabbed my hand and rushed back to the entrence, almost dragged me up the stairs. He took a left before he pushed me into a room. A big white bed, and black walls. No paintings, no photos or any other personal things. He looked at me and it looked like he was about to cry. He pushed me up to the bed and leaned over me. He placed his hand on my cheek and brushed through my hair with the other. His body made me actionless. I just looked at him, begging him for his touch. «I thought you were dead Emma» He said as he placed his head on my chest. He folded his hands around me and alomst squeezed me. I placed both of my hands on his face lifting it up. «But i'm not» I said softly as i smiled. Suddently everything he had done didn't matter. I didn't even want to know. Draco lifted me up as I was light as a feather before he softly let me down at his soft bed. He got on top of me. «You can't stay, it's dangerous» He whispered into my ear giving me a shiver. «You know i can't leave with out them» I said quiet as I gave him a soft push before I placed my hands around his neck and pushed him down towards my face. Our lips was inches away from eacother and he laid a finger over my lower lip. «I-i can't help» He said as he got up and sat down beside me. I sat up next to him and hugged his arm. «I know» I said soft. I knew he couldn't. Sadly I knew his whole family stood for something completely diffrent than i did. I got quiet and just looked out in the air. It was weird knowing that this was the place he called his home. Everything here gave me a cold shiver. I pulled my hands into my sweater. It was almost as cold in here as it was outside. Draco lifted a blanket over me and stroke his hands over my arms. He looked at me as he was about to say something several of times. Then he looked down, and it looked like he tried to convince himself to just say it. His eyes got filled with guilt. Suddently he took his black blazer and pulled up his sleeve. His eyes looked disgusted on his left forearm. A black skull with a snake penetrating through its mouth forming two circles was marked on his arm. The mark was sourrounded by claw marks. I looked up at him, I could see the resignment in his eyes. I placed my hand over it and looked up at him. «I-i don't care» I said softly but he still didn't meet my eyes. «That's not who you are» I said as I placed my finger at his chin forcing his face up and his eyes meeting mine. «I need to help them Draco» I said softly as he turned to the corner of the bed, and placed his feet on the ground. «Not now, not before tonight» He said clearly as he looked down. «They won't call for the dark lord before they're sure it's him» Draco finished. I placed myself behind him hugging him from behind as i lay my head on his shoulder. His breath became slow and calm. «Draco?» I said before I even realised I had said it, he turned around. I think he knew better than I did, what I was about to ask. «What happend?» I said calm as I stroke his arm. Suddently a darkness entered his eyes. «I was ordered to kill him..Dumbledore» He said as he looked at me. He looked thougthful. «When I got the mark, I liked it. I felt important. But then, the first time I met you on the roof, I understood what I really had to do. So i-i» His voice started to break. I knew that I hadn't known him for too long. But there was something about him, something that felt so familiar and warm. He was more complex then I could ever wrap my head around. «I fixed the vanishing cabinet, that was why I-I looked around when» He continued. «That day, the door didn't appear before you showed up. I think.. I think it wanted me to see you» He finished as he looked at me for comforting.

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