Part; 23

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Another year had passed, and Harry's words about not going back here buzzed like an bad dream. For six years Hogwarts had been my secound home. And for the last four perhaps my preferred one too. I looked out the window in my room. I remembered the first time i saw out from it. I was thrilled to be here and at that point I got to share room with Hermoine. We did everything together and we became closer and closer with the boys. When I first met Fred, it was trough Ron and for the two first years I was sure Fred had something against me. He constantly teased me and got on my nerve. A smile appared on my face, but just as fast as it came, it left. I didn't know if i was ready to leave this place. But things had changed this year. Unable to put words into how I felt about Draco, and Snap that now was headmaster for all the wrong reasons, I came to realise that eventhough this place still looked the same everything had already changed. «Are you ready to go?» Ginny said softly. I nodded and looked over at her. «We'll come back. Just because everything is changing it dosen't mean it's never been this way before» Ginny said as she tried to comfort me. She looked worried for me and i tried to force a smile. She saw right trough it but she smiled back at me. As we entered the common room and closed the door behind us for this year, everyone looked busy and ready to go. The last weeks I had distanced myself from Fred. Not because I was angry or anything. But it felt like a piece inside my was missing, and he always had this good mood and big smile. It wasn't fear to take anything out on him. He hadn't asked either. He just ultimalty respected it. But there he stood, in front of me with a soft, goofy smile and big eyes. Almost puppy like. Everyone started to walk outside and towards the hall. I walked up to Fred and hugged him. He tighted his grip around me and I could hear him exhale hard as a million worries left his body. «I'm so sorry» Fred said softly into my hair. Tears gathered in my eyes. My pure, kind Fred. He hadn't done the slightest thing wrong, and still he was the person who apologized.

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