Part; 39

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'She took my hand,
And led me out of the darkness,
And showed me that whatever,
our souls are made of,
Hers, and mine
Are the same'

«It's for the best my sweet, sweet girl» Dad said with a worried smile. I looked up at him comfused about why he looked so sad. He placed his wand towards me «obliviate» He said clearly. Soon my bad dreams left, and my dad stroke my hair as I drifted back to sleep. «No more bad dreams tonight missy»


As I opened my eyes I saw Hagrid carry Harry. My body felt heavy, as I had just fainted. Hagrid gave me a sad look as he tilted his head behind me, signalizing me to lay still. I laid still as all the deatheaters walked joyful against the school. I tried to shake the confusion away, knowing I had to move fast. As I was sure I was alone I got up and walked up the old way around Hagrid's house. I got up in the middle of the hallway through the school. I could hear a joyful Voldemort. As I came closer I saw Harry hanging in Hagrid's arms, Ginny screamed, Hermoine cried and leaned into Ron who looked confused. Draco stood looking behind them, as if he was looking for something that was missing. He backed up, and as his back hitted the wall it looked like he was about to collaps. «Harry Potter is dead» Voldemort screamed in between laugther. My heart dropped, and tears threatened to stream down my face. I yelped and before I could think anymore of it, Voldemort walked in the middle of the two very diffrent groups of people. «So from this day on, you will put your faith in me» He said loudly as he smiled. «Harry Potter is dead!» He turned towards his people and raised his arms in joy. They laughed and cheered off joy. «So now it's time to declear yourself's, come forward and join us» He said as he walked a few steps towards the school and all the students and teachers I knew so well. Everyone stood in silence. All you could hear from this side was sobbing and some comforting words to one and other. «Or die!» Voldemort said, he almost looked suprised when no one stepped forward. «Draco!» I could hear a familiar voice calling for him. His dad opened his arms as if he was reaching for him. Draco looked around, I could tell that a tear had shed down his cheek. He looked around, it was like he was waiting. Waiting for someone to stop him. I pressed myself between the people between us, and just as I heard Draco's father calling him again I could see Draco was about to give in. People looked at me with a judging look, and looked at Draco like he already should have been heading for his family.But eventhough I once felt a pinch of the same feeling, 'the feeling that he might be too diffrent from me.' I knew better now. He was just like me, he was maybe even more like me, than I wanted to admit. Because he choosed to love, eventhough he had much bigger obstacles than I ever had to do so. I grabbed his wrist hard, and he almost looked startled as he turned to look who was behind him. He started to breath fast and he jumped into my arms. His hair was flat and almost in his eyes, the blood from his scars had turned black and dried, and he leaned into me as I was the only thing that could help him stand. «Your staying» I said almost hysterical as I cried into his chest. Draco's somewhat cold chest had never felt more like home. I felt Hermoine and Ginny embracing both me and Draco and we all sobbed. Between Ginny's sobbs you could hear her saying 'Harry' with a hopeful soft voice. Everyone turned, and as I looked up between Hermoine's hair and Draco's arms I could see Neville stepping forward, we all looked at him. Suprised. His curage was overwhelming at this point. Almost silly. Voldemort looked at him and laughed. «Harry, he didn't die for nothing. But you will» Neville pointed towards Voldemort. He limped around and turned back towards us. «This will never be over.» He shouted as he grabbed a sword that he had sat next to the stairs. Voldemort froze, and his smirk faded fast, to everyone's suprise, we heard something hitting the ground. It almost looked like Hagrid lost Harry, but he landed on his feet. He ran over to the hallway around the big entrance place. We all looked at eachother, we all stood with the same thought. 'I'm going mad' . Neville went for Voldemort's snake, and just as Ginny was about to run towards Harry to help I grabbed her jacket and forced her to stay safe. I was about to tell Draco to watch her, but he was already starting to run towards Voldemort who stood forzen about the situation. I screamed his name, he turned and looked at me like he was saying sorry. I fell down to my knees, and before I knew it Ginny held around me as I screamed for Harry to help Draco. Draco threw his wand to Harry, Harry now stood in front of Voldemort, but next to him stood Draco with out anything to defend himself. Voldemort gave a short smirk, before he turned against Draco. «You stupid, stupid boy» He said as he lifted his wand. I closed my eyes, and then it happend. I was back, back in Tom's mind. The beautiful woman, she walked towards them and placed herself between him and Draco. Voldemort's eyes turned sad. At that moment I was aware that what happend, was only for me and Voldemort to see. Then just like that Harry and Voldemort stood between two spells. Harry acted the secound he saw Voldemort lost his grip. Even though it was just for a breathtaking moment. Harry with Draco's wand, and Draco sitting just behind Voldemort looking like he'd seen a ghost. I didn't see or hear much of what happend after this. All I saw was Draco getting up, still as handsome and vulnerable as he always looked. But for the first time I saw something more, a sens of relif. It looked like someone had taken away the ton of weight he had carried on his shoulders for way to long. And before I ran down, I said thank you. The woman I saw sat down next to voldemort now, and just like two shadows, Tom came beside Voldemort's now, somewhat dead body. She took her hand, and they walked off, like it was the only thing that was ever meant to happend. Draco stood up, everything around us became background noise, the only thing I saw was him. We won, but we also lost. We lost some of the most beautiful and incredible people i've ever known. But Neville was right, they didn't die for nothing.

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