Part; 9

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Fred gave me a worried look. We sat on a bench in front of the school yard. I was busy reading the last pages of our homework before potion class. «Don't you think Harry has acting kind of strange latly?» He said quiet. I looked up at him, and i saw that his eyes now were locked at Harry that sat next to Hermoine and Ron. Ron and Hermoine was talking, and even from this distance i could tell they were having one of their classic arguments about something irrelavnt. Harry sat there quiet looked into the air, unbothered by his friends conversation. «How do you mean?» I said looking at Fred. Fred was an gentle soul. He always paid attention to everyone else, and i knew he could notic the slightest changes. «I don't know, he's been acting all jumpy.» I stood up, aware that my class was about to start and i knew i had to drag Hermoine out of her «calm conversation» with Ron. I placed my hand at Fred's chin, and he leaned in.

As me and Hermoine sat down at the table next to Ron and Harry my eyes met Draco's for the first time since last night. He gave me a short smile before he looked away. I looked down and tried to hide it from Hermoine. But as i raised my glaze i could see her looking at me and raising her brows. «Why is Malfoy looking constantly in your direction?» She said as she was making fun of him. «Or even better, why do you smile like a little girl?» She said as she gave me a soft push with her shoulder. «I don't know what you're talking about.» I said unable to hold back a smile. «Please don't start with that Ginny thing, he really isn't THAT good looking.» Hermoine said jokingly. Everyone turned quiet as Snape entered the classroom.

As our class ended Snape looked up at us, and everytime he did that at the end of the class, i could swear he looked at me. «Miss Acker, may i have a word» I heard his voice as i gathered my books and was about to leave. I looked up, and realised how tall he really was. His dark hair and black clothing really made him look mysterious and some what scary. He looked tired and sad. «Sure?» Hermoine looked at me and pointed to the door, and signalized that she would be waiting right outside. Snape turned away from me, and walked towards his desk. «I could need some help tomorrow miss Acker» I looked at him, but my eyes only met his back. I almost laughed, he had to be kidding me. Today was the first day with snow, and tomorrow everyone was going to hogsmeade. «Any day, but not tomorrow professor» I tried. He turned towards me giving me deadly seroius look, and i sighed as i realised i was not going anywhere tomorrow. I nodded before i picked up my books and left.

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