Part; 36

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«I won't kill you, if thats what you're asking me to do» Harry said as he sounded out of breath and a bit irritated. Harry looked at me, and I think we both thought Draco had lost his mind at that point. I looked at Draco suprised. «What on earth are you saying Draco?» I said as I looked at him with wide eyes. His face turned serious and he gave me a reassuring smile. «I disarmed Dumbledore that day, the wand, it answares to me» Draco said as he looked down and I could see a tear running down his cheek. «I can't kill him, but you can, with that wand at least» Draco kept talking as he used his jacket sleeve to dry away some blood from his lip. I walked up to him, I placed my hand at his cheek like I had done so many times when I thought he could save the day. «Draco, I love your entusiasme, but thats not an option» I said firm. «What's our options then? I'm not letting you walk up to him and tell him that stupid memory so he can kill you. It's not happening» Draco almost hissed at me. Harry stepped back. «We can't just assume that we can kill him without that last horcrux Draco» I said and Draco looked at me with a tired look. We all wanted this to end, but we didn't know how. Harry paused, before he looked at me. «I will go with her» Harry said and looked at Draco. Draco alomst laughed before his face turned serious again. «If you think i'm going to let her go down..» Draco hissed, I looked up at him. «Draco, i'm not asking for your premission» I interrupted him, and said as I could tell he knew I had made up my mind. «But» He said quick before he paused and looked around and turned around as he needed to pull himself together. «Then i'm coming too» Draco said as I could hear he was about to start sobbing. I placed my hands around his neck and forced him into a hug. He couldn't come, this wasn't his fight to take. He had fought his a while ago, and just the fact that he had helped us this far was enough. I kissed his cheek. But he didn't look at me. Harry started to walk slowly, like he wanted us the get some space. And at this moment, all the noise around us disappared. There was no screaming, crashing around us. Just me and him. «Emma, there is one thing. One thing Harry don't know» He said as his voice cracked. He started to cry. «What is it Draco?» I said softly as I brushed away his tears. «Let's just run away, just you and me» Draco said desperately as his fingers ran down from my forehead to my chin. I smiled at him, he knew what my answare was. Draco was about to start talking again, it was like he had an inner battle with himself. Then he paused and wasn't able the look at me as he started to speak again.


POV Draco;


'There will come a time when you have to tell Harry and Emma the truth. She will have to remeber, and he'll have to see his faith. And that day Severus, I trust you to do the right thing'

I left the headmaster's office just as quite as I entered. I slided down the stone wall outside and my heart beated hard in my chest. At this floor of the school, you wouldn't even notice the war that was going on down there. It was like at this floor the stairs had created a lid over every noise. This wasn't the day to wear a high neck sweater. It felt like I would get strangled. I tried to pull it, and as I felt an raging anger reaching my head, I was about to scream then my anger transformed into sadness. It wasn't fair. And before I really thought it trough I had erased the part of the memory that included that Emma and Harry had to die as the last horcrux. Emma was the only one who held the possesion of the memory.  Her father tried to protect her by using the memory charm. And I was going to keep her safe. I was not going to loose her.

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