Part; 7

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POV; Emma's dad

'To my daugther
Never forget that i love you,
Life is filled with hard times,
And good times,
Learn from everything you can,
Be the woman i know
You can be.'

Having a daugther is diffrent then anything else i'd ever experienced before. I could say it was hard, confusing or scary. But i won't. My daughter is the greatest happiness in my life, but she has also brought me to the truth i didn't know if i wanted to know. I always knew she was special. I think we all knew. She was born only months before Harry, and both Lily and James loved her like their own. When they died, both me and Remus did everything in our power to let Harry stay with me and my wife. But Dumbledore refused. The chaos with Sirius, and with Remus beliving him guilty for ratting them out, our worlds were turned up side down. Harry survived the killing course, and not by anyone. Voldemort. Harry lived his years with his aunt and her family in the muggle world. Uasually i didn't mind muggles. Peacful creatures really. But Petunias anger and jealousy for her sister, where undoubtedly taken out on Harry. On Emmas first day on Hogwarts i was trilled to hear about young Harry. Every christmas and birthday i delivered him small gifts. He never recived them until I started to deliver them trough Hogwarts. But even though I knew he didn't get any before that, I couldn't bare living with myself if atleast didn't try. I owed it to Lily and James.


It was an awfully sunny day. Her favorite kind really. We walked along the beach, and even though i at that point had no idea of what the day would bring. I had an strange feeling. Emma loved our dog. She treated him like an equal, she always had. Brougth her mother to her nerve, when she would let him sit with the dinner table and eat like every other family member. Rino ran beside her. He was about 12 now, and i felt a cold breeze down my spine at the thougth of the day he would pass away. I called for you as the wind got stronger. You ran, and your long blonde hair fluttered around. You smiled. You looked so much like your mother. My favorit memory from that beach, but i never told you that.


The same night there was a storm raging outside. I knew what that meant, and as wierd as i it sounds, i always looked forward to you walking down the stairs to ask for me to sit by your bed and comfort you until you could sleep again. You struggled with bad dreams, and you mother worried non stop, for you to not sleep enough. But this night was diffrent. You cried and your face was pale. You almost looked sick. I sat down on your bed, and i saw drops of sweat running down your forhead.

«What is it sweetheart?» i asked you as softly as i could, trying my best to hide my worries.

«I see him father, he told me that he's coming back.». You said, and for a moment you looked completly awake.

«Who told you that?» I said unsure if i wanted to hear the next words that would come out of your mouth. «Tom told me» you said as you drifted back into sleep. I knew what i had to do, and who i had to tell. But i also knew the danger anyone who knew these things were in.

«Obliviate» For the first time i raised my wand towards my daugther. I felt my hand shaking, and being scared for my own life was one thing, but i wouldn't let anyone harm my daugther.


«Please Severus, you know i can't ask Remus. He will never understand» I practically begging him now. He looked at me with a hint of compassion. I knew he wasn't the bad guy he wanted made himself out to be. I knew the Severus who loved Lily, the man who would cross the world for her, and even stood by her side when she married the love of her life. Because to him, her hapiness was more important than his.

«I just want to know that she'll always be safe.» I completed. He nodded at me, but he didn't meet my eyes. He looked out his window facing down to the school yard.

«It's practically suicide» He said slowly and sharp. «Even if you succed, there is others, they will haunt you down» He was looking at me now. His face were paler than ever now. I thought he had reached the limit at Lily's funeral, but one thing that hadn't change was his eyes. They were filled with guilt and sadness. Before Lily died he would wear a white shirt, to light up his clothes just a bit. But after she died, he only wore black and the darkest colors. I had overheard Emma talking about him, how his clothing made him look scary. But the only thing i saw, was an broken and enternally grieving man. I gave him my letter and instructed him to not give it away before he knew it was time.


For my dearest daugther and wife.

I'm so sorry i can't say this in person. But my time has come, and when you read this, there is nothing you can do. My fate is already been given to me. I love you, and i hope your life is filled with the greatest joy, laugther it can offer. And when the bad times come, i hope you remeber that you are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe and loved more than you know.

Forever yours, dad.

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