Part; 33

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Harry looked at me. His eyes was peaceful, and though we both knew we'd never been closer to a war, I think we both felt at peace. Because we both knew it would mean a settlement. Either way. Harry made himself laying next to me in my bed as we talked. I remembered the feeling, when I came back here, how good it felt sleeping at something other than the bare ground and a blanket.

«He really does love you, you know» He said suddently and thoughtful. I turned towards him and gave him a skeptical look.

«Who?» I asked fast, ofcourse I had a thought of who he meant. He looked at me and gave me a soft smile.

«Malfoy» He said as he sat up. He looked out in the air, and seemed a bit strange. «He saved our lifes, and though he's been an.. Well, not my friend to say the least. I haven't really been all nice to him either, have I» Harry said and it seemed like he was just as suprised as I was at hearing him say that out loud. I sighed.

Fred looked like he was in a rush as he barged into my room. His eyes locked on Harry laying with his head on my lap, and froze for a moment. He wondered when he would get used to seeing Harry being so close to her.

«Snape is gathering everyone in the great hall, he knows about Harry» He said as he looked over at Harry. Suddently I felt scared. Things happend too fast. I froze, and Fred didn't move before Fred picked up my hand and pulled me into his warm embrace. I couldn't wrap my arms around him this time, but he just held me and feeling his calm breathings made me relax. Then he squeezed my hand and walked with me to the others. Every one in gryffindor knew about Harry, and at a gulity moment I was scared that someone would rat him out. The first thing we approached was that the hall was full, every student at Hogwarts was gathered, and it was a long time since that had happend after everything. Slytherins would eat before others, and I'd barly seen Snape outside his office. Now he stood in front, he stood at Dumbledore's place. As the door closed behind us Snape stepped forward. He gave a fast look over everyone, and for a moment I felt sure he looked at me.

«Many of you surely wonders why I have summon at this hour. It has come to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted at Hogsmead» Snap started. People started to whisper and I could see Pansy, Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe giving me nasty looks. I looked at Fred, he gave me comforting look as he placed his arm around me. Ginny leaned onto me on the other side. Suddently I felt a pinch on my arm. I turned around, and for a moment I thought I was about to faint. Harry gave me a half smile, I could tell he had a plan.

«Now! If anyone, student or staff knows where he is or have helped him and fails to come forward, they will be punished» Snape said as he started to walk towards us. We all stood on lines like a military camp. The youngest kids looked terrified and most people held their sight towards the ground. «Now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of mister Potter's movement this evning. I invite them to step forward» He finished as he stopped where the gryffindor house was gathered.

He gave me serious look, and my body's reflexs made me look down instantly. Harry stepped forward, and people turned and whispered. Snape looked at him, but he didn't look suprised.

«It seems like you got quite the big failure with security headmaster» The door opened as Harry spoke. In came the order, plus Hermoine and Ron. Snape didn't flinch. «How dare you standing where he stood» Harry's voice was loud and clear. He clearly spoke form his soul. He was angry, and everyone could tell. «Tell them, tell them how he trusted you, and then you killed him that day» Harry finished.

He looked at Snape, and didn't look away. Snape's eyes looked somewhat sad? Or scared? I couldn't really tell, but what I could tell was that it wasn't anger. But it looked like a mask. Then he pulled his wand forward. He acted slow, and if I didn't know better it was like he gave Harry a chance to defend himself. But before Harry could, profesor Mcgonagall stepped forward. People ran towards the wall. I plowed between people, and suddently I stood between Ron and Hermoine. Everyone had their wands up facing someone. Snape's disciples pointed their wands towards us, but no one did anything. Not before you could see Mcgonagall's blood floaded over. Suddently Snape and Mcgonagall threw spell's towards eachother and the people who was to 'defend' Snape threw themselfs to the floor. Mostly Snape used denfensive spells. And I couldn't quite explain why he didn't fight back. Soon Snape disappared into the dark night through the window, the only thing you could hear through the window shattering was Mcgonagall's angry shouting

«You coward!»

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