Part; 12

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My eyes were locked in his as he entered. His eyes looked troubled, as if he was at the breaking point. Harry who sat in front of me looked at him to. «It's him, im sure» Harry said again. «You don't know that, it dosen't make any sense. Why would Malfoy want to hurt Katie?» I said quick. «Hurt her? Bloody hell, looked like he was trying to kill her» Ron interrupted with food in his mouth. Draco loosened his tie under the black knitting vest, and as he got closer i could see him listening to out conversation. «I'm not sure he cares what happens to others» I saw the panic in Draco's eyes. He quickly turned around to leave as Harry had finished his sentence. «Harry!» I almost shouted. But he didn't care he walked after Draco with out even turning back to look at me. «Bloody hell» I said as i got up an ran after them. I followed them to the man's bathroom. I saw Harry in the door, and heard Draco sobbing as i started to catch them up. «I know what you did Malfoy» I heard Harry say in an some what calm but direct voice. The next thing that happend was that cast's were thrown between them. «Stop it!» I shouted, Harry looked at me as he tighted his face. That was the first time i saw something like that in Harry's eyes. It scared me. Draco looked at me suprised as he lowered his wand. «Sectumsempra» Harry shouted as he ponited his wand over my shoulder. My eyes widen, as I turned and ran towards Draco, he screamed in pain. Harry rushed away and next thing I know, i was sitting next to Draco sourrended by blood. I had never heard that spell before, so I sat there next to Draco unable to help him. I heard footsteps again. «Help» I shouted as i got up and looked out the door for help. Snape came rushing in, he told me to leave but I refused. He mumblet a spell, as Draco's blood almost floaded back to him. I placed my hand on his, and suddently i could feel him squeesing it back.


I sat in Ginny's soft bed. How on earth was her bed so much more comfortble than mine? She looked at me with an disappointed but understanding expression. Honestly i would rather see her angry. I knew she gave me the 'everyone can make mistakes when their in love' look. «But.. what if it really was Malfoy?» Ginny said hestiant. I looked at her with shameful eyes. I hoped with all my heart he hadn't done it, i never really considered that he actully might. Ginny was right. The last couple years Draco had done awful things. Never at this level though. Him and Harry had this wierd thing for eachother, were they dragged eachother down. Harry really had it from him, when he helped ruin our DA meetings last year. Something inside me told me that he had a good hesrt. I and at this point I don't know if it was the part that i was scared to death that I just stood up against my bestfriend for a boy that had just made me blind, or the fact that something inside my light up everytime i saw him. «Harry don't know, and i don't know. But Malfoy deserves to get a chance to explain himself either way» I said as we both sat quiet in our thoughts. Ginny nodded at me, and we both got startled as we heard a knock. Fred stood in the doorstep leaning towards the wall. His head was tilted and he had the look he always gave me when he needed comforting. Ginny got up, patted Fred on his shoulder before she left the room. Fred sat down next to me and picked up my hand. «Please tell me that you didn't defend Malfoy earlier today» He said looking at me despreat. «Fred..I» I tried to find the best words to explain it. I knew he wouldn't get mad. But i still felt a pinch of guilt knowing i should at least have told him i'd talk to Malfoy before. This looked worse than it was, no doubt. Fred laid down and placed his head on my lap.

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