Part; 30

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'But when I told her it was over
My darling I had lied
I've been running from my demons
Afraid to look behind
I've been running from myself
Afraid of what I'd find
But how am I supposed to love you
When I don't love who I am?'

Draco looked at me and smiled. He brushed away some hair from my face and placed it behind my ears. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Even almost completly alone in the library I could feel eyes staring at us. I knew that Draco liked the attention, he didn't show his softest side and was careful not to cross any lines for anyone to believe he had grown soft for me. He knew people twisted in their own skin as they saw us together. «Am I the only one of us who has this test?» I said as i looked at him with wide eyes. As much as I loved spending time with him, I still got annoyed by the fact that he used his position as 'leader' of Snape's 'employers'. He didn't study for anything, and still got better grades then I did. He smirked at me as he sat down at the table, upon all my papers. I looked at him, if possible even more irritated now. He grabbed some hair at each side of my face and pulled me closer. «You could just say the word, and I would sort things out for you. There is better things we could do through the days than studying you know» He said as his smirk grew. I rolled my eyes at him and showed him down from the table. He was more than aware that I didn't want to be a part of his scheme. He laughed before he looked around the room. The girl that sat a couple of tables away from us, stared her eyes out at us at this point. I could see her jaw dropping. Draco looked at her, widen his eyes and lifted his brows, giving her a nasty look. She looked away, and started to pack her things. I tried to finish my homework, and just as I started to write again, Draco started to brush the hair away from my neck. He started to breath into my neck, and gave small kisses. I looked turned towards him. He knew exactly how to make me unconcentrated. «Draco!» I said as his fingers started to dance around the neck on my robe. There was no one around now, so Draco pulled the string as far as he could. He didn't stop before the door opened and we could hear footsteps walking straight towards us. As he lifted his sight he looked suprised. I turned around and saw professor Mcgonagall walking towards us. She looked at Draco and stopped right next to us. «May I have a word mr. malfoy?» She said with a serious look. I could see Draco's smirk fading. «What is it about?» Draco said as he looked at me for answares. I shrugged and placed my hand on his. He looked worried. «Maybe not here» Mcgonagall said as she showed us to the door. Draco held my hand tight, as he was scared that I would try to run away from him. We walked towards Mcgonagall's office and at the door she looked at me. «I think it's for the best that me and Mr. Malfoy talks about this in private» She said firm. I looked at her and backed up. But Draco didn't let go of my hand, if anything he pushed me forward. «What I can know, she can know» Draco said just as firm, he even sounded a bit irritated. Mcgonagall nodded and showed us in. As the door closed behind us, she stepped forward to her desk. She pulled out a letter that was closed with a thin rope. She handed it to Draco. He looked at her as he lowered his brows and gave an usure look. «Your father has decided that your not to stay at this school from here on» Mcgonagall said with a sorry tone. I looked at her and shook my head. «He can't do that? Can he?» I said desprate as I looked back at Draco. Draco nodded, and didn't seem too suprised or bothered. «Snape has confirmed it, you'll be picked up tonight» she finished. I grabbed Draco's arm. He pulled it back, and looked at the door. «I'm sorry» Mcgonagall said before she turned around and walked towards her window. Draco turned around and walked to the door. He didn't look at me. I froze, and just as Draco left the room I rushed towards him. «Draco?» I shouted after him, but he didn't flinch. He kept walking. I started to run, and as I got next to him I grabbed his hand and tried to stop him.  He pulled his hand back, and almost pushed me away. I grabbed his arm, and harder this time. «Draco! Talk to me» I said alomst shouting, as my words echo in the hallway. He stopped and turned away. He looked at me, his eyes was blank and he had a bothered expression. «Don't you get it? It was only a matter of time» He said in an angry tone. I looked at him shocked. It didn't seem like the same boy that just brushed the hair away from my neck and gave me soft kisses. He waved his hands between us. «This can't work, dont you get that?» He said, and I could hear that his voice was about to break. «W-what?»

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