Part; 41

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'Loving can hurt,
loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard,
you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive
We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still'

Dear Fred,

Her long hair dances in the wind, she runs around with no worries, just like you once did. When she was just a baby her hair was white as her fathers. But as she runs down the beach side on her somewhat short legs I could now see that her hair was much darker and more alike mine. Something I could never take away from them was her eyes. They were ice cold blue and filled with the same vulnerable twinkle as his.

I always smile at the thought, you could literally see Draco melting away the first time he met her. Her eyes was as big as two marbles, and she looked at him like he was her world. She smiled and reached for his nose, and from that moment on Draco's eyes was filled with sweetness and love from another world. 'His true hufflepuff moment really'. He promised to himself that he would never be like his own father. He knew both his parents loved him, but he never wanted Allie to ever question it as he had done so many times. There truly are different kinds of love Fred. And though Draco was scared to death through my whole pregnancy I knew he would be the best father. George loves Allie too, and he is like a second father to her. George talked about getting the joke shop up and running again. Allie is ecstaic. You would have loved her really. I can't help it, but everything about her reminds me of you. And she loves all the stories we tell about you. I even caught Draco telling her about that time you and George crashed the exams. Though Draco and George has their diffrences, they agree on one thing. And thats Allie, i'm already scared for the boy that would dare to break her heart. If you were here I would let you feel my tummy. It has grown bigger now, and Fred junior isn't scared to take his space. He takes his time too, and god I was looking forward to meet him, I know so many others were too. Molly has been so exited ever since I told her we are calling him Fred. At first I was scared, not wanting her to believe that he is your replacement. But she loved it, even your father shed a tear. I know that if he is only half as kind hearted and sweet as the other Fred I know, we would all love him so very high. Anyway, I wanted you to know that I still miss my friend. I know you're still with me. And the times you show up in my dreams, I never really get to answare you, so I hope this gets to you. I just wanted to tell you that i'm happy and loved. (He really don't want you to haunt him)

Love, and forever yours Emma. XX

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