Part; 13

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'Before we met, I was as lost as
a person could be and yet,
you saw something in me that
somehow gave me direction again'

I sat at the library, I tried to focus but my thoughts scanned trough everything it could come up with. For a moment i discussed with myself how long it was since the last time me and Ginny washed under our beds. And i got this urgent feeling to wash. I hate washing. Anyway. I sighed. This wouldn't lead anywhere. I got up and walked towards the shelf i had found an old book Snape told me could help me. The library was almost emty. Most people, including my friends were outside and enjoyed nice wheather. Probably with Hagrid. As i pushed the book back at the place i found it, i could feel a hand grabbing my arm. Draco stood there, he looked unbothered. I looked at him suprised.

«Everyone thinks it's something between us, you know» He said slowly and gave me an satisfied smirk. I sighed at him.

«What?» I said giggly.

«I figured you'd finally told them your into me» He said superfical. I looked at him and tilted my head. He couldn't possibly think that I liked him? Never the less tell people that. If i actually liked him like that, people would think i'd lost my mind. Romance between the different houses weren't exactly well recived in the past. At least not among the slytherins.

«I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that, surely your not that full of yourself» I said as i rolled my eyes at him. He smiled, and for a brief moment he looked happy. Like it didn't matter what I said, he knew the truth. He reached for my hand, and as he looked up I could see his face turn serious. He let go of my hand, and started to walk away. Confused I turned after him and i could see Pansy standing looking at us at the end of the shelving. Unbelievable. Unaware of what I really was expected, I pinch of pain as I saw Draco moving away from me. He walked fast and his steps were stif. Pansy gave me an ugly look, and I could see her walking after Draco as he rushed past her. I looked just as bad at Pansy before i turned and walked out on the other end of the shelving.

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