Part; 18

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Me and Harry walked in the forest next to Buckbeak. We decided it was no good time to ride him, he couldn't be noticed by anyone. We walked close up to eachother, sometimes his hand brushed up against mine and I could feel him pulling it away with an quick and stif movment. Buck walked past us and stopped in front of a big water. He looked back at us for protection as he started to drink. «Please Harry, say something» I said desperate. He looked at me, and it felt like an eternity since the last time his green eyes had felt on me. «I'm not mad» He said before he walked down next to Buck and sat down at a big stone. «Then talk to me? I don't know what's going on anymore» I asked just as desperate. Harry always had his gaurd up. He was forced into being the chosen one, the one who survived and all of that. And I knew it was hard on him. I could see it in his eyes when ever something happend to someone, he blamed himself. He blamed himself as if it was his own fault that he just couldn't fix everything at once. «Dumbledore is acting wierd, like he knows something that he don't want to share» Harry said hesitant. «And with Malfoy cursing students..» I wanted to stop him, i wanted to tell him that he shouldn't worry about Draco. I wanted to tell Him that Draco had a soft side, that I didn't think he wouldn't hurt anyone. But I also knew that Harry wouldn't listen. «Why did you run after us, why did you place yourself in front of Malfoy» Harry said suddently in an direct way. Suddently he looked much more comfortble, no doubt that he had thougth a lot about asking that. But how do you explain to your bestfriend that you don't know why. That it's just something about him that makes you tremble at your own breaths when ever he is around. How do i explain that the person i've been protecting has terroized him, even all of us since the day we met. I looked down. I saw Harry getting closer. He placed his armd around my waist and held me like it was the last time he could. «Please don't choose him»

He who choosed to loveWhere stories live. Discover now