Part; 15

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25 of december, 1996

'Missing you at christmas;
Every day without you
Since you had to go,
Is like summer without sunshine
Or winter without snow.

I wish that I could talk to you,
There's so much I would say,
Life had changed so very much,
Since you went away,

I miss the bond between us
And I miss your kind support,
Your in my mind and in my heart,
And every christmas thougth.

I'll always feel you close to me,
And though you're far from sight,
I'll search for you among the stars
That shine on christmas night.'

The smell of mistletoe and snow always gave me a warm and happy feeling. Ever since my dad died, we stopped celebrate like we used to, and being with Fred's family was my saving. Staying with my friends was the only thing that could even compare to the feeling of an normal christmas. Being with them made me feel like things haven't changed as much as they really had. My mother spent christmas day with my aunt, and i did feel guilty for not spending christmas day with her, but I also knew that she wanted me to be happy. Beside, the rest of the holiday we spent everyday together. To my mom, christmas was the hardest time whitout my dad. Every christmas she would act like she did the days just after he died. My dad loved christmas so our house was always filled with love, laugther and decorated to the last detail. My mom would always pretend like she thougth dad made to much fuss about it, but we all knew she loved it. The last christmas we all had together was the happiest i'd ever seen her. A contrast from the first christmas whitout my dad, I had climbed behind all the boxes with his stuff to get to all off our decoration, and it ended with my mom shattering to pieces. Ever since then the boxes with christmas decoration had been unthouched and simply just gathered dust.

Fred opened as soon as I kncoked on the door. I could feel the warm breeze from inside and all the friendly voices calling my name. As i walked in he grabbed my bag and coat. I could see Harry, Ron and Hermoine's shoes standing just inside the doorframe. As i entered to see George, Ron and Ginny at the kitchen helping Molly I rushed towards them and hugged them. Molly laughed. «How is it that every time i see you, you look even more beautiful?» She smiled at me before she looked over at Fred. George and Fred stood next to eacother, but i walked up to Fred and cuddled my head into his chest. «How is it you have no problem telling them apart from eachother?» She said before she sighed. Ginny laughed. «I'm clearly the handsome one» Fred said quickly. George rolled his eyes at him. I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. Suddently Hermoine stood in front of me with her arms open. Ron and Harry came behind. They both stood a bit hesitant behind giving me an soft smile. As Hermoine let go of me and stood back, she grabbed Ron's arm. Ginny stood next to Harry now and looked at me with a big smile. Harry looked at her as she came by his side. He smiled akward, and for moment it looked like he gave her an longing look. I could see Molly's eyes watering. She waved her kitchen towel as she made a happy sobb. «Oh get out of here you loving birds» She said as she showed us out of the kitchen. Fred grabbed my hand and showed my out to the living room. Every corner was filled with decoration. He touched my heart. I felt like a little kid again, back at my own house. The only thing that was missing was hearing my mom shouting at my dad as she laughed saying the house was over filled with christmas lights. I could feel a tear rolling down my chin. Fred looked at me with an unsure look. «Me- well, me and George made it, I-I thought you might like it» He said softly, as he looked like he was scared that I didn't like it. I jumped into his arms. «I love it» I said as I wiped my tears. I grabbed George's arm and forced him into the hug. He resisted for a moment, but then he could feel him enjoying it.

Suddently I heard a loud noise. Fred got up immidiatly and as i got up he grabbed my hand and we rushed down the stairs. We met Harry and Ginny. They stood by the window, and before we knew it Harry ran down the stairs. Me and Fred stopped by the window. The house was surrounded by fire. I got dragged after Fred, and the only thing I could see in front of me was Ginny's hair that waved and Fred who tried to reached after her hand. He didn't let go if mine, and squeesed it even harder as i we came down to front door. I was wide open, and everyone stood outside. I could see a woman with dark curly hair appear at an gate between the fire. Bellatrix Lestrang. A deatheater, and not if not the worst of them, she was the most recless. And not to mention, the person who killed him. «I killed Sirius Black» she screamed alomst laughing. I tried to react and reach for my wand, and I could feel Fred forcing my arms against my sides and he tried to calm me down. Harry ran after her, and without thinking it twice Ginny followed him. «Ginny!» Molly screamed desprate.

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