Part; 11

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'And it hurts that i can't be,
What everyone wants,
Or what anyone needs,
And it hurts that I can't be,
What I want,
Or what I need,
Because i'm not enough,
And i won't be enough,
And i'll never be close to enough,
And that just makes me tired'

It was late october. Everyone was getting ready to go to Hogsmead, i sat in the couch in the common room with Fred, he looked at me as he stroke my back over the sweater i got from his mother last christmas. He had asked me multiple times if i wanted him to stay at school with him today, but i held on to my word. I didn't want them to have a bad day just because i probably was going to. As George walked out of his room, ready to go i got up from the couch and dragged Fred up after me. He looked at me and tilted his head. I raised my brows at him and smiled. «Oh, come on Fred» Harry came out to and gave me his usual half smile he gave me whenever I was with Fred. I followed him out the door. «Well, have fun then» I said before Hermoine came out as she dragged Ron after her.

I'd just said goodbye to everyone, and i walked towards Snape's office. The school was nearly empty and it was almost scary to walk around in this old stone building all alone. As i approched Snap's door i knocked, and before i knew the door slamed open. Snape stood next to his desk. He looked at me some what suprised. «You needed help with something?» I said fast as my eyes looked around, i'd never been to his office before. He nodded and started to pick up some random books from the shelf behind his desk. «I need these sorted» He said as he hesitaded. I looked at him suprised. This was what he needed me to do? «You do you that there..» i started. «Just like your father, huh» He interrupted. I looked at him and smiled. Snape knew my father? «You knew him?» Snape turned away from me again. And i could hear him fickel with something stressed. «I guess you could say that» He said before he showed me towards his shelf. I started sorting his books. The shelf was full, everything from school books to romantic novels. My hand stroke the side of an old book. The cover showed a lady and a man who holded hands. It was clearly romatic themed. I lifted my sight towards Snape. My mind wandered away to how complex his personality could be. If there was one thing i would never forget about my father it was that he never juged anyone before he could say that i loved them. In his opinon you can't jugde someone you don't love. Because if you can't see something you love, you're not able to see the side that can be juged or even less hate. My eyes flickered towards his window, it started to get dark now. Before I could open my mouth to ask Snape about the time, Hagrid came rushing in. Both me and Snape almost jumped as he entered. Hagrid smiled unsure towards me before he whispered something to Snape. His face turned serious.

In the hallway the first person i saw was Fred. I rushed towards him. He still wore his winter jacket and gloves. «What's up?» I said looking at him, George and Ginny. They lighted up the hall as they just became a big blot of red haired siblings. «Katie had the opal necklace. Apparently she was cursed, Harry, Hermoine and Ron found her» Fred said looking at me worried. «Apparently rosed into the air, and alomst fled six feet of the ground. It was bad» Ginny said and pointed towards the hospital wing. «Hagrid carried her to the nurses» She finished. I turned and saw Harry, Ron and Hermoine coming out from Mcgonagal

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