Part; 17

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It was alomst two weeks since me and Draco's episode with Pansy so the cold winter nights had shifted with warmer, brighter nights. Harry had just started to talk to me again, and thats more than i could say for Draco. He barly showed up at any classes, and the few time i saw him at some of our meals he was sitting quiet and looking into the air. He had met my eyes once, and he looked away immedialty. I recognized the look in his eyes, it was the same as the day in the washbasin. Only more intense. I knew Harry didn't complain at the fact that he barly had to lay his eyes on Draco, and he made it pretty clear to me too. Every now and then my eyes rested at his chair in the classes, and i wouldn't even notice the class was dismissed before Hermoine or Ginny pinched my arm. Fred was sweeter than ever, and I was more distant than ever. «You staring at his seat, won't make him walk in here any faster you know» Hermoine interrupted my thoughts. I looked at her with an distant smile. «His father is still in Azkaban, you know» she continued. I could see in her eyes that this was an attempt to comfort me. I turned towards her and reached for a book. «So, how is things with Ron? He haven't talked to that Brown girl again.. Since» I smiled just at the thought of her face when Ron laid in the hospital bed asking for Hermoine. Hermoine looked away. I knew about her feelings for Ron, and to me it seemed nearly incredible that everyone didn't see it. But that went for Ron's feelings for Hermoine too. If it was up to me, Ron would have asked her to the yule ball back at that time. But they suddently didn't agree to that, and Hermoine went with Victor Krum. As i closed my eyes i could still feel the anger at them both that day as i barly got to dance or be with Fred as i was busy listning to Ron complain and Harry alomst in tears for Cho going with Ced.

As Snape dismissed the class, me and Hermoine gathered our things as always, but before I turned to walk away I noticed Snape walking towards Goyle. He leaned over his desk and almost whipsered something. Goyle shrugged and walked away like nothing had happend. I could see Snape catching my glare and answared with lifting his brows at me before he turned. Goyle didn't even meet my eyes. Whenever i passed him or Crabbe in the hallways they looked away or buried their eyes any where else than on me. Pansy however gave me deadly looks whenever she got the chance.

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