Part; 10

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«But that's totally unfair!» Hermoine almost shouted.

«He can't do that, can he?» Ron hung on. Harry looked at me with a half smile. I knew i couldn't exactly complain. The first couple of years the school denied him to go anywhere since he didn't have any guardians that could (or atleast would) sign his paper to be allowed to leave school.

«It's only this one time, right?» I looked at Hermoine with a reassuring smile.

«I could stay with you, if you want me to» Harry said softly.

«And what would you be doing here? Watching me work as a slave for Snape? I won't have it» I finished.

On my way back to the common room to tell Ginny about my situation with Snape, I saw Goyle and Crabbe in the hallway talking to a first year. The girl was scared, and I could see that she wanted to bury herself beneth the stone floor, but was too scared to offend them even more. I could barly hear their conversation, but from what i heard it was defined by the words mudblood and dirty. Before i had time to think i stood between them, giving both Crabbe and Goyle the deadliest look I could. Their smirk and laughter faded into an angry grin.

«Oh, look who we have here Crabbe, if it isn't miss save the day» Goyle almost sang, as he sounded delighted with his sentence.

«Don't tell me you don't have any thing better to do than, bullying people half your age» I said as i smiled back at him and narrowed my eyes. I gave the girl a soft push at her back, as she smiled to me and walked away. Goyle placed his hand around my wrist and tightened his grip. I looked at him with suprised eyes. I knew they were bullies, but i'd always thought of them as all mouth, no violence. He twisted my hand, and I yelped.

«You should start worrying about your own business». I pulled my hand back to me and didn't even notic the footsteps behind me. «What the hell are you doing Goyle?!» Draco hissed. Goyle's face almost went red, and he looked like a kid who just got yelled at by his mother. Draco didn't even look at me before he shoved them away and hit Goyle in the back off his head with a flate fist. Now it looked like both me, Goyle and Crabbe shared the same thought, 'What the hell just happend?'.

As I turn I can see Fred rushing towards me. «What happend?» He asked calmly. Fred was the kind of guy you barley saw angry. He was just to wholesome and kind, sometimes for his own good. But that was one of the parts I really loved about him. When you learned to read him, you could see his emotions easy. Around the corner came George he, smiled at me and nodded towards Fred as he came. I ran my fingers trough Fred's hair. It had become long, but i could still feel the uneven parts from the last time he'd let me cut it. «Time to cut your hair again» I said smiling at him. George looked at me with a goofy smile and i knew he was coming for me. «Sometimes i think you just say that so you can tell us apart» He said jokingly. I placed my hand on his back and leaned in for a hug. «Oh, why would i, i don't mind wich one i cuddle up to» i said as a gave a teasingly smile towards Fred. I saw George blush. I didn't really know what we were, and though Fred was the softest person i knew, he never really talked about his feelings for me. But i didn't matter, i knew. He grabbed me by my waist and hugged me. When ever he hugged me like that i felt so safe. He was atleast a head taller than me, and his warm, calm body gave me an calming feeling.

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