Part; 16

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I rushed towards the common room. I had just heard about Ron. Apparently Slughorn gave him something to drink due to an love potion. Whatever Slughorn gave Ron, it contained poison. And in Ron's favor Harry is a quick thinker and had helped Ron out. Suddently I stand a few feets away from Pansy and Blaise. I can't deny the fact that she was pretty. Her black long hair was loose and her hair reached down to her eyes. As she looked at me she walked towards me as she straighted her back. Blaise followed her footsteps and walked by her like he was her dog. She looked at me with an sorry smile as she tilted her head «If it isn't Draco's new girlfriend?» She said loud and confident. I looked at her confused. All my years on this school Pansy Parkasen had never said a word to me. Blaise laughed.

«Cat took your tongue?» He said with a smirk.

«He's not my boyfriend» I mumbled. They looked at eacother and raised their brows. I started to walk, and realised they now stood so close to me I had to walk an half circle around them.

«So at least you know» She smirked and I could see the darkness in her eyes. She was jealous. I didn't know what she was jealous for though. When she saw me, Draco literally ran away from me, to not be seen with me.

«Your only a part of his game. His game to get me back» She finished.

«If you really belived that, we wouldn't be here would we?» I said as i could feel the regret growing in my stomach. Her smirk was replaced with an angry grin. She walked so close up to me that i could easily smell her mint breath. I could hear her breathing getting more and more heavy and angry. I backed up a step, as i saw Pansy reaching for her wand. Before I could act i felt an hand grabbing my wrist and dragging me back. Before i knew it, i was standing behind Draco and all i could see was his back and his tall body in front of me. I leaned to the side, and Pansy stood with an whole diffrent attitude. Blaise had backed up and looked down.

«Stay the hell away from her Parkinson» Draco almost shouted as his hand covered Pansy's wand. Didn't seem like she took him serious before you could hear a rattling sound from her wand, as it bended under Draco's hand. She lowered it and made an angry sound before she turned away and walked. Draco pulled me aside to between some of the pillars in the hallway. His chin almost touched my forhead. He sighed.

«You don't stay out of trouble, do you?» He said dejected. I looked at him. He was aware that all of these things had happend after I started to 'bump' into him, right?

«I never asked for your protection» I hissed. I looked away, and realised that he just helped me, and that i was in no position to yell at him.

«If you gave it a chance, to go un noticed by my friends, maybe i wouldn't have to keep watching over you all the time!» He said quick, but I could immidatly see his regret. People had started to get out off class now, and I saw people turning their heads. Draco dragged me trough the hallway and into a small room. Resembled a washbasin.

«Keep watching over me?!» I shouted as I pulled my hand back. «You don't even want to be seen with me Malfoy, why on earth would you 'keep watching over me'» I said as i started to walk towards the door.

«You think that's what that was about?» He said and I could see him placing his hand on his neck and stroking it hard. He looked so vulnerable. «Just give it some time, and you'll thank me for it. You don't want to be involved with me, miss fucking perfect.» He said and looked away. His eyes were filled with guilt, anger, sadness and regret. The more i thougth about it, it didn't add up. All those feelings didn't mix. It was like he felt guilty for something ha hadn't done, but didn't want to do. I met his eyes. As the adrenaline left my body, I placed my hand on the other wrist. I could feel a beating pain. He looked down at my hands.

«How bad did he hurt you?» He said looking at me like i was a glass about to break.

«I'm fine» I mumbled. He walked up to me and lifted my hand careful. He lifted my sleeve and ran his finger over my wrist. He fixaded at it as if his eyes could heal it.

«I'm sorry» He said as he looked up at me and placed his hand on my cheek. His fingers brushed my skin softly. His hands were cold and big. Again with being an actionless person around him, I looked at him and smiled.

«Be careful, promis me» He said as he takes his hand away. The funny thing was, his voice didn't even fit the words. It didn't seem soft or caring. It seemed like an order. He brushed his fingers over my sleeve as he packed my wrist back in my robe. I nodded carefully. «And don't call me that» His face was so close to me that at his breaths I could feel a soft breeze at my lips. He placed his thumb at my lower lip. He looked at it for what felt like hours. I wanted him to kiss me, and it looked like he wanted to. But then he pulled away. «Don't call me Malfoy»

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