Part; 14

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Fred looked at me. He stepped towards us. Buckbeak leaned towards Fred and sniffed around him. I petted him at his neck. I could see the fear in Fred's eyes. Hagrid stood some meters away looking at us. He laughed and encuraged Fred to not be scared. As soon as Fred bowed to Buckbeak he bowed back and started to relax more. Buck stepped closer to me. He didn't like strangers. I couldn't blame him though. As I stood next to Fred who smiled from ear to ear and was carefully cuddling Buck. Knowing that a couple of years ago Draco wanted to put Buck down, I felt a pinch of shame as i stood there with him and Fred. The last couple of days my mind was defined by the event that happend in the library. The beautiful view from this place in the forest put a smile on my face. Fred brushed away some hair from my face and then placed his hands in front of my creating an square with his fingers. «I'm taking a picture of you» He said as he narrowed his right eye as he was taking a picture. His red hair got brushed by the wind, and his soft smile made me forget everything else. His knit sweather was way to big. He looked so handsome in it. Molly really was right. Green really was his color. I laughed and Buck snuggled into Fred. «I think he approves me» Fred said overly happy and proud. We all smiled. «Are you sure he's safe here?» I said giving Hagrid an serious and worried look. Hagrid's smile faded. «He can't stay for long. Dumbledore, may or may not know about this yet» He said hesitant. Me and Fred looked at eacother. «Oh Hagrid..» I said with an sad look. I knew he loved his anmials. And i knew it broke his heart every time they had to leave. My heart ached for Hagrid. It never seemed to end good for him with these things. «When Sirius died.. He don't have anyone anymore» Hagrid said fast. I walked towards him, and he looked at me as i thougth i'd get mad. I embraced him into a hug and he exhaled relived before he hugged me back.

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