Part; 8

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'When i saw you,
When i really saw you,
That was the moment i knew,
Everything i thought i knew
Was based on everything i didn't
Believe in, because you were more,
More than what the eyes could meet,
And you're deeper than the surface you show'

My palms were sweaty and as I woke up I had this strange urge for air. I threw a look at Ginny who were sound asleep. You could barly see her pillow nor her face between her thick red hair. I got up, and my body instinctively acted on its own making me get out of my room. I gasped for air, and held my hand at my chest. I went up the stairs as quiet as I possible could to not wake any of the pictures I passed. Luckily the fat lady snored worse then Ginny and Fred all together.

As i became close to the highest tower and it's door i stopped for a moment. I looked around, and a smile appared on my face. Malfoy really did have a bad influence on me. As I opened the door, the fresh air brushed my hair back. I closed my eyes and stepped outside. I didn't notic the black shadow that was sitting a couple of meters away before i opened my eyes and our eyes were locked on eachother. He sat with his elbows on his knees, and his eyes looked soaked. The red rings below his eyes gave contrast from his otherwise pale skin. He looked down, and i swore I could hear a quiet sobb. I froze like an idiot. How did he do that to me? Everytime i saw him i became actionless. I walked towards him, but he tried to turn away as i sat down next to him. The truth was that i didn't know him, and sure didn't know how to comfort him. But if there was one thing i was well acquainted with it was the feeling he was trying to hide from me. Even when i saw him trying to harden his face expression, his eyes screamed for help. My head told me to get the hell away from there, that this man probably had what was coming for him. But my heart set me back to when i was at his place, and how much I appreciated someone who cared. Plus i knew i got raised right, leaving him up there would only cause me making endless of scenarios of what i should've done. And afterall i was here to be able to sleep, not to give me endless of restless nights.

«It's nice here, right?» I said soft as i barly leaned in next to him. His breath slowed down, and he lifted his head and leaned it back towards the railing. «I go here whenever i need to feel a bit unimportant» Unsure if i made him more uncomfortble or if i comforted him. «Who ever said scattered things are not beautiful were terrible wrong» And this time i felt his eyes looking at me as i gazed upon the sky. He looked up, and it seemed like he was desperately trying to find the exact place i was talking about. I tucked myself even closer to him, as i felt the cold night breeze towards my bare arms. He was defintely more prepared for this than i was. He took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders, still without saying a word. We sat there for what felt like hours. And eventhough non of us said a word i felt like i'd seen another part of Draco Malfoy. A part that i'd proably never would share with anyone else.

As we parted by my door, he broke the silence. He looked at me, and for a moment i could se a twinkle in his eyes. I smiled as i took off his jacket. «You're not as bad i thought» He said, and i could sense that this was the closest thing i would get to 'thank you'. I handed him his jacket, and we both smiled as our hands brushed against eachother. His hands were ice cold, and the fact that his thin shirt probably didn't warm him anymore than my bare arms, gave me a hint of guilt. He 'really wasn't as bad i thought either'.

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