Part; 27

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'I try not to think,
But I can't stop,
And doubts sets in like a storm,
I could feel it coming,
And words echo out yesterday,
Time pushed me on the egde,
The jump was my decision,
I've only got myself to blame'

As I started to wake up I could feel his eyes on me. He held around me, and for the first time for as long as I could remember I felt safe and I had slept without any bad dreams. He brushed away the hair from my forehead. «We need to do it now» He said softly. I got up, and walked towards the only window he had in his room. It was pitch black outside, and you could barly see some shadows of their big garden and entrence. Draco walked up behind me. «When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek there. I knew no one was looking for me, but just the part about finding somewhere to hide made the time go by» He said vulnerable. I turned around and his eyes looked happy. I couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. The fact that something like that seemed like the most happy memory he had made me pulling him up to me. «We need to go» He said as he grabbed my arm, then he placed a finger in front of his mouth and signaled me to be quiet. He opened the door carefully, but didn't let me come out before he had made sure that the coast was clear. We walked down the stairs and towards the living room. It was quiet and the house was as big that it felt like we were totally alone. Draco grabbed my arm and showed me to a door. As we opened it I could hear the summing from Ron's deluminator turning off. Draco picked up a lamp and we walked down the stairs to the basement. It really was an dungeon. Not before I reached the door did i hear any voices. «Emma!» undoubtedly Hermoine. Draco hushed at her. And Hermoine's face turned from happy to suprised. «You filthy little rat» Hermoine hissed. I looked at her suprised. «No Hermoine, he helped me» I said as Draco opened the door. Harry came towards the door as he supported a elderly man for him to stay on his feet. On each side of them came Luna and Ron. Luna smiled calm, she looked just as happy and unbothered as she always did. Harry's eyes didn't even meet mine, he just looked at Draco. «You need to leave, right now» Draco hissed. «And why on earth would we trust you?» Ron hissed back. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. «Are you kidding me? He wouldn't be standing here, letting you out if he wasn't helping us!» I said angry and realised I raised my voice a bit too much. Draco grabbed my hand and sqeezed it. Harry's eyes went down and he looked emotionless on me and Draco's hands. Then he looked up at me, dissapointed. «What are we waiting for?» The old man said as he coughed. I looked at him, and then I recognized him. Olivander. Memorys about buying my first wand with my dad floaded back. Then we all rushed out and up stairs. As we all entered the livingroom Bellatrix, Draco's mother and father stood all dressed and looked at us. Draco's father looked furios, I could see Draco's mother trying to meet Draco's look. I pulled my wand forward and placed it on Draco's back, I couldn't let him get in trouble. Not for this, not for me. «I'll kill him» I said as I looked at Draco's father. Unsure if i was able to convince them. Bellatrix didn't flinch. She looked at Harry, Harry who looked all good as new again. Hermoine and Ron pulled up their wand. Harry looked at me and then he looked around the corner. A small elf stood there waving at us as he smiled. I needed to keep them busy for long enough for them to get to him, so he could help them get away. The only question was how. Draco's father rolled his eyes and looked disapointed but not suprised. «You stupid, stupid boy» He said angry. His eyes was narrowed and his brows was raised. Draco's mother on the other hand placed her hand at her husband's shoulder. She whispered him something, then he made an angry grin before it looked like he obeyed. «Let the boy go» He said, everyone was busy pointing their wand towards someone. As I gave Draco a push ahead, Harry, Hermoine and Ron ran around the corner. Spells were thrown between the room, and Ron hitted Bellatrix with an stunning spell. It knocked her completely out. I could see the others trying to waving at me to come. But I looked at them, and I think they knew I wouldn't leave him there. Suddently I stood there with two wands up against me. Both his mother and father was ready and able to kill me. Draco stepped in front of me. Yet again I had placed him in a position where he had to protect me. His mother lowered her wand and looked at Draco as she tried to take in what just happend. Draco's father on the other hand looked furious, and more than capable of killing someone at that point. «Move» He hissed at Draco. Draco shook his head and I could see that he had no plan of moving. «I won't let you touch her» Draco said angry as the words trembled from his mouth. «Then i'm gonna have to kill you too» His father hissed, his eyes was alomst completly black from anger. Then it happend. Draco's mother pointed her wand at her husband. «Don't make me choose Lucifus» She sobbed. As he lowered his wand and turned towards his wife I could see her bothered eyes unable to meet his. What had I done?

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