Part: 32

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It felt like I was dreaming when I saw Hermoine, Harry and Ron walking towards me casual. I ran towards them, and Harry opened his arms and embraced me hard. «I've missed you so much» I whispered into his ear. He squeezed me for a moment before he let go of me, and Hermoine nearly jumped me. Her arms were locked around my neck and I could hear her almost sobbing. As I turned to Ron, I could see his eyes was locked at something behind me. I turned around, and Ginny ran towards Harry. Harry laughed and hugged her. Ron looked disappointed. «I'm only her brother you know» He said pitty. I gave him a soft push and hugged him. «She has plenty of those» Fred said at the other end of the room as he rushed towards us. Soon our common room was filled with cheering and people hugging Harry. Neville looked at Harry, he was filled with small cuts. I felt bad for him really. Most of us did what we was told by the 'hall guards', Neville on the other hand answared them, and eventhough I never saw it myself his face said it all. «So what's your plan?» Neville said excitedly. Harry's face turned unsure. «We are looking for something» He stammered. People started to talk and discuss. «Okey, what are we looking for?» Neville asked a bit less motivaded. «I don't know, but it can help us defeat you know who» Harry said loud. I looked at him and smiled. Seeing him again gave me a comforting feeling. For the first time in a long time, I felt like things started to head in the right direction. «And where is it?» Neville said still sounding positive. Harry looked down. «I don't know» He said, but not as loud this time. He sighed. Neville looked up and gave a skeptical look. «That'll be easy» He said as he turned around and told the others to tell Remus about Harry's return. Hermoine took my hand, she looked at me and smiled. «Where is Malfoy?» She said softly. I looked away, I hadn't heard his name on alomst an week so her words sinked like a stone in my stomach. «I don't know» I said looking at her with a weak smile. She gave me a sorry look, like she knew what had happend. And I didn't blame her, we really were a lost cause.

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