Part; 3

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The gryffindor common room didn't look like it had been touched over the summer. Brown leather seats, a cosy fireplace and bookshelfs defined the room. Me and Ginny placed our stuff on our room. Don't get me wrong I loved staying at home, but i never slept as tight and deep as i did here at hogwarts. I don't know if it was the feeling of being on the safest place on earth, or the fact that i was sorrounded by my friends that made me so calm, but nothing could compare. Me and Ginny had placed pictures all around the room, every corner your eyes could meet was moving with a happy memory. Me and Ginny hadn't really got along before last year. I love her, but that girl sure was obssesed with Harry. I think she was bothered by the fact that he always turned to me. Even Ron had been bothered by me and Harrys relation. Ever since i lost my dad i think Harry felt like i was the only person who could truly understand him, if not completly then atleast halfway. Not because Ron and Hermoine wouldn't listen, or that they cared for him less than i did. But because Hermoine and Ron never lost one of their parents. And i didn't blame Harry for it. I loved Fred, Fred always listened to me, and when i was at my worst, the year Sirius died, i could swear he felt my pain. He looked completly lost and his eyes screamed the fact that he would do anything to make me happy. But before you've lost a dear one, you just can't understand how it feels.

'If you have ever
Lost someone very
Dear to you,
Then you already know how
It feels,
And if you haven't,
You cannot possibly
Imagine it'

He who choosed to loveWhere stories live. Discover now