Part; 37

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'We know full well there's just time
So is it wrong to toss this line?
If your heart was full of love
Could you give it up?
'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special
Don't give me up'

The great hall was dark. The light that could enter, barley shined trough the small crackes in the broken glass windows. I still felt like i'd never seen better in there, everything seemed grey, sad. It looked like a warsone. It was a warsone. The sound of people crying, yelping and gasping for air summed in my ears. For every pale body i saw, i felt a sense of relif. As selfish as it may seem, my head made out the idea that for every dead body i saw, that weren't you, the possibilty that I would find you laying there got less and less. I walked with short steps, not because i felt the need to take in the dreadful state of the hall i once called the 'great hall', but in respect of the people who clinged to the body of their loved ones. Clinging to the still fresh and warm memory of their smile, laugther and presence. I lifted my sight. My body froze and at that moment, i was sure my heart had stopped. I lost the grip of time, space. As i saw you there, not alive, but not dead yet either, all our memories floaded trough my head as a movie i never wanted to stop. I sat down next to you, and you smiled as your hand reached towards my cheek. George sat right next to me, and I could hear sobbing like a distant noise. «I guess now we finally know why I couldn't be the love of your life» He said  as a weak smile appared on his face. I smiled short and for a moment I almost laughed. The last months or maybe year I wanted a sign, I wanted help to understand who to choose. My heart told me one thing, and my head something diffrent. But not like this. This wasn't what I meant. «Tell Malfoy that if he leaves you again, I will come back and haunt him for the rest of his life» Fred said with a jokingly tone. I brushed his red hair away from his forhead for the last time. He looked so peaceful, and right before he took his last breath he looked at George. «Watch over her for me, would you?» He whispered as his eyes closed. And just like that. You were gone. And to my dearly beloved Freddie, though I never really called you that did I? I just loved your own name too much. You wore it like the funny, kind, goofy and all the other amazing traits you had. You were my horcrux, and something inside me died with you. And if it wasn't for the other bits that was left, I would laid down next to you an give up. Because who was to cheer me up when I was down, who was to see right through my smile when I wanted to cry. And Fred, I hope you know. I did love you.

I got back on my feet and didn't flicker while I walked out eventhough I could hear Draco calling my name, and as Hermoine started to run after us, me and Harry looked at eachother. We knew what we had to do.

He who choosed to loveWhere stories live. Discover now