Part; 24

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After months searching for horcruxes, Harry suddently remembered seeing something around Lunas father's neck the last time he saw him. «Are you sure it's worth the trip Harry? We are practically on the run you know» Ron asked worried. Me and Hermoine looked at him. «Any clue is better than non, Ron» I said as Hermoine nodded. «I agree» Ron sighed to let us know he didn't agree. Harry walked out of the tent quiet. I followed him and I could see Hermoine giving Ron an deadly look. He just shrugged back at her. They had been on eachother all the time latly. Everyone was on their toes wanting to get back to how things used to be. I think that was the only thing that kept us going. The weak memory of how things used to be and desire to get back to it. I placed my hand in Harry's as I came closer to him. «I don't get it Em, we found the sword, the necklace» He pulled his arm away and sat down on the cold ground. The first months I didn't mind living out here, it was still summer back then. Then the nights got colder, and now I could see the water in front of us had started to freeze. «What i'm not the choosen one, what if everyone got it wrong» He stammered as his voice trembled. «Harry..» I placed my hand on his back hair and ran my fingers through his dark hair. «Even if you weren't I don't know about anyone else that does everything in their power to end this» I said as I could feel him leaning into my hand. «We need to find mister Lovegood» Harry said as he got up and reached for my hand to help me up. He had several moments like this. Short periods were he lost hope. They only lasted for a couple of minutes. Then he was back to his self. I admired his courage.


The house was in the middle of nowhere, I could see Luna living out here. She loved the forest, sea and everything that came with it. As we walked up the stairs to knock on mister Lovegood's door he opened on the first knock. It seemed like he knew we were coming. I didn't think much of it at the time, because as soon as he opened I could feel something was off about him. I had personally never meet him before. He looked a lot like Luna, but the only thing I could think of was his snow white hair and the boy I missed so deeply. «Harry, Harry Potter?» Mister Lovegood stammered. He looked emotionless for a minute. As soon as we stepped in he looked paranoid. We all sat down in the living room. The house was filled with colors. The walls was painted both white and yellow. The decorations was also colourful, but it still wore a shadow of sadness and darkness. «What can I help you with mister Potter?» Mister Lovegood asked softly. «Actually, sir, its about the necklace you wore, the last time I saw you» Harry said careful and calm. I looked over at him, and his look confirmed that he also had a bad feeling about this. Mister Lovegood pulled out a necklace with a symbol. The outer part was a square, the middle showed a line and the innerpart a circle. «What is that?» Harry asked still calm. His eyes fixated on the necklace. «The deathly hollows» I whispered. They all looked at me, and Mr Lovegood nodded. «I've read about it» I said quick. I couldn't put my finger on where, but I recognized it. Mr Lovegood jumped out of his chair as he could see that Harry was clueless about what we talked about. Ron and Hermoine looked at him as the shrugged. We followed him, and Harry stood eagerly beside him as he found a piece of paper and started to draw. He started with the line, «The elder wand» then he drawed a circle «the resurrection stone» at last he drawed the square «the cloack of invisibility» he finished as he brushed away his half long hair away for his eyes. «Together they make the deathly hollows» He said as he looked serious. Me and Hermoine met eyes. Harry's invisibilty cloack. Harry suddently looked really worried. He looked around before he looked at me. «Where is Luna?» Harry said softly but worried. Harry stepped towards the door. Mr Lovegood jumped in front of him and clinged to the door. «I'm so sorry mister Potter, they have my daugther, my beautiful daugther» He said as his face turned sad and he almost looked crazy. I looked around for an exit, I grabbed Harry's hand, something was not right. «We need to leave» I said as i searched around us for the best way to get out. Hermoine and Ron helped and Ron shoved Mr Lovegood away from the door so he fell. «Where is she» Harry said as he held back. «Now Harry!» i shouted at him despratly. I could see black shadows appear in the sky. Harry turned as it sounded like a thunder, we all started to run out to the forest. Before we had reached a place to hide we heard footsteps running after us. Five shadows appared in front of us and Harry's wand was broken so we were down to three wands. In hope of them only getting to take me, I threw my wand to Harry and we tried to fight them off, but even more came and we stood chanceless. Before they got to Harry I could see Hermoine thinking. Next thing she fired an stinging jinx right towards Harry's face. Harry fell to the ground. «Is it? Can it be?» One whispered just so I could hear them. «I can't remeber him being so.. Ugly.. We'll bring them to the house» the other answared. They were all dressed in dark colours and undoubedly snatchers.

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