Part; 21

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The following days, left the still fresh memory of Dumbeldore laying on the ground lifeless in the middle of the schoolyard laid as an cloud over Hogwarts. Walking the halls on Hogwarts never seemed so quiet and sad. Harry was quiet and didn't talk much of it. After the announcement about Snape taking over as headmaster at Hogwarts his grief had turned into hatred. And it grew for each day. Both Draco and Snape hadn't been seen at school since the Incident. It was only a question of time, but for now, not having to face Draco actually helped. No matter how much i tried to tell myself that every brigde was burned at this point, my heart gave me an explanation of what really happend and why Draco was there at the time Dumbledore was killed. As I entered the common room I could see Harry sitting by the fireplace by Ron and Hermoine. Hermoine met my eyes and smiled. I walked towards them, Harry looked up at me. His face was bothered, and I could see that he hadn't slept last night either. He sat with a book in his hands. «Snape is the half-blood prince» Harry said quietly. Hermoine placed her hand at Harrys shoulder and tried to comfort him. As he mentioned Snape you could tell he struggled to keep his calm. «I should've listened to you Em» He said as he sounded angry at himself. I sat down in front of him, and looked at him smiling. «At least you're doing it now» I said trying to make him feel better. Harry threw the book into the fire and the fire sparkled and flickered for a short moment. Then it calmed down, it was like the book never existed. Harry let out a relived sigh. We all looked at eachother. Non of us really knew what any of this meant yet, but something had started. As Harry stood up, I could see Ginny standing in the door to our room. Harry walked towards her and she embraced him. After everything that had happend they really had found eachother, and even though Ginny hadn't really got the chance to enjoy it since she seemed just as angry and sad as Harry did I could see in her face that whenever she was around him something shined inside her. I looked back at the fire, and noticed that Ron looked at Harry and Ginny with big eyes. «Atleast you know that she'll be taken good care of» I said as i pushed him softly with my elbow. He looked at me with an unsure smile. «Just don't know how to tell my bestfriend i'll kill him if he hurts her» He said softly in a somewhat jokingly tone. «Has he talked about any of it yet?» I asked quiet. Hermoine looked at me and shook her head. «Nothing we didn't already know anyway» She said as she got up and walked into her room.

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