Part; 40

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'Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter Cause all my life, I've been fighting
Never felt a feeling of comfort,
And all this time, I've been hiding
And I never had someone to call my own'

I sat next to Draco at the stairs right outside the school. The ground was cracked, and the school would without a doubt need some rebuliding. But it was over, this chapter of our life was over. We were no longer kids, and we had to leave this part of our life behind us. There was no longer any classes to get to, there was no longer any Fred to cheer me up when I got a bad grade, or felt useless. I jumped closer to Draco, he placed his arm around me. I leaned in. A tear streamed down my face. And yet another time it was like he read my mind. «I'm so sorry Emma, I know you loved him» He said as he brushed away my tear. I could feel his cold ring around my jawline. I placed my arms around him and buried my face on his chest. All my life I'd grown up loving the summer, I grew up thinking was going to end up with someone like dad. Someone who was born into an open and warm family. I believed I would fall in love with a knight in shining armor. But I fell in love with Draco. And I fell hard. I fell for his cold skin, that turned warm just for me. The boy who didn't know what real love meant. He ran his fingers trough my hair and kissed the top of my head. «I love you Draco» I whispered, and he straighted his back and looked at me. «What-what did you say?» He asked as he was sure he had heard wrong. I sat up, and looked at him. One day I was going to tell him, tell him how I knew it from the first time I sat next to him for several hours straight without a word. I was going to tell him that he was the chosen one for me. I was going to tell him that eventhough his eyes told a story of a boy who could never be loved- I loved him. He was going to know that I loved every part of him, even the broken ones. He looked at me and his expression was voulnerble. He almost looked sad. «What if I can't be loved» He whispered before he looked away. «Then I do something more than just loving you Malfoy»

He who choosed to loveWhere stories live. Discover now