Part; 22

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«I found love,
Where it wasn't suppose to be,
Right in front of me,
Talk some sense to me»

Harry placed his hands at the railing. He looked over the view. I'd never really been up here at daytime. It was beautiful and you could see everything from up here. Hermoine walked around, and Ron sat behind us looking uncomfortble about being here. Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I looked at him as I wanted to read his mind. I didn't want to pressure him, but not knowing what really happend that day bothered me. «He didn't do it, you know» He said as he turned towards me. He looked at me as he knew my exact thoughts. «Draco lowered his wand, in the end it was Snape who did it» Harry said calm as he yet again looked out over the schoolyard and beyond the sea. «In the end, maybe I'm just as bad as him, we both did nothing» Harry finished as he sounded angry at himself. I walked closer to him and placed my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head onto mine and for a moment I felt at peace. Harry stepped back and i could see him sitting down next to Ron. I could feel Hermoines hand on my back. «It's beautiful up here» She said and we could all feel the summer breeze brushing through our hair. Being here made me think of him. «You should see it at night» I said as i closed my eyes. Harry got up, me and Hermoine turned towards him and Ron. Ron looked at Harry like he knew what he was about to say. «I'm going to end whatever Dumbledore began» He said as he looked targeted. Hermoine reached for Harry's hand, we all knew he meant that he was going alone. But no way.

He who choosed to loveWhere stories live. Discover now