Part; 29

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'Somebody said you got a new friend,
But does he love you better than I can?'

As I walked to my next class I could see Remus walking through the hall targeted towards the stairs, my first thought was that he was heading for the headmaster's office. I hadn't heard anything from Harry, Hermoine or Ron yet, and that could mean one off two things. The first scenario was that Harry probably was furios at me for 'choosing' Draco over them, so maybe he didn't want to talk to me right now. And I would be okey with that really. At any other time than this. The other scenario was that something wasn't right, and that they were in trouble. Unfortunatly the last scenario had the most of credibility as I knew Harry wouldn't want me to worry even though he was angry with me. I rushed towards Remus and started to walk somwhat behind him, but still close enough so that he could hear me. «Have you heard anything?» I said eagerly and desperate. He turned around and looked at me with a tense look. He stopped and walked towards a door, he looked at me before he looked around and entered. I followed him, as I entered the small room I realised i'd been here before. It was the washbasin where me and Draco had talked. For a moment I just took in the fact of how little I had actually looked around the last time I was here. Clearly the only thing on my mind back then was Draco. Remus looked at me until I closed the door behind us. «Apparently someone has broken into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault.» Remus said as he looked at me and raised his brows. «But why on earth?» I said as I tried to figure out why they would be in there. «Luna has returned home, we tried to ask her about their plans, but i don't think she knew too much» Remus said as he sighed. «I heard, about you and that Malfoy boy..» Remus said after a short break. I looked at him, if it was one thing I was done with it was people telling me that Draco was no good for me. «Remus, I don't care about what you think about him..» I said defiance. He looked at me suprised before he interrupted me. «I was going to say, that I'd heard that you got him to help the others.» Remus finished as I felt embarrased to think that Remus would interfere with my love life. If anyone was to support, loving the 'bad guy' it would be Remus. Afterall he was convinced that he was one. I smiled at him, and before I could say more he disappared out the door. As Remus left I could see red hair entering the door. «Fred?» I said suprised. He hadn't talked to me since out little incident with Draco. Fred walked in with a smile. I almost had to pinch myself to convince me that it really was him. I had never mixed Fred and George, but this time I really wasn't so sure. «Did he say anything?» Fred asked careful. I looked at him and struggled to answare him. «Not really» I said as I sighed. Fred walked up to me and looked around. «I've never noticed this place before» He said as he smiled. «Yeah, it's so many doors on this school, you don't really know wich you have entered before» I said, still not able to brush away the wierd feeling. Fred looked at me with a comforting smile. «We're friends now?» I said before I thought too much off it. «I realised something» He said as he paused and looked down. He looked like the good old Fred I knew and loved. «I realised that you've been with me several of years, even when you knew about Malfoy. So even if you don't choose me right now» He looked back up at me. I could feel my cheeks turning red and the face he looked up at probabbly looked more than just a little suprised. I felt uncomfortble. «Fred, it's not like..» I tried to say as he walked up to me and placed a hand at my cheek. «I know you, and i'll show you what you deserve» Fred said as he looked into my eyes and stroke my cheek softly. Honestly I can't say that I hadn't missed his soft touch and goofy smile, but I knew it was wrong. But I also knew that I needed Fred as a friend, and I think he needed me as his too.

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