Part; 19

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29 of june, 1997

'A sky full of stars,
but he was looking at her'

«Another bad dream?» Ginny whispered with an tired voice. My sheets felt clammy. My eyes were locked to the roof. «Yeah» I whispered back to Ginny before i could hear her snoring again. I got up and walked out. The dreams just got worse latly. Or i couldn't really tell, everytime i wake up i have this bad, weird feeling. But i can't really remeber anything from it. It's like the moment i'm awake and conscious my head just erases the whole dream. The hallway was dark, eventhough the summer had started for real now. I only wore my pj's. I walked as quiet and fast as i could up the long stairs to the tower. Snoring from the pictures sounded like distant music. The door wasn't locked. I hesitatet for a moment. For all i knew, anyone could be out there. But before i could dwell more on it, my fingers lingered at the handle. And there he was. Almost reaching over the railing. His back was bended, and he looked tired. He wore all black, and his hair looked matt and messy. He hadn't noticed me yet, and i used my time to walk over to him. As i stepped out on the roof my footsteps became noisy. He turned around fast and his wand was ready in his hand. He looked scared. «It's just me» I smiled. But he didn't lower his wand. I looked at him with tender eyes. He held his wand up against me. I didn't flinch. «You need to be scared of me» He screamed, his voice broke and turned into sobbs. I reached my hand out for him. But he just stepped closer and placed his wand up against my throat. «Why-why aren't you scared?!» He shouted in between his sobbs. «Draco..I» I looked at him, but couldn't help not to feel scared. I'd never seen such bothered eyes. I placed my hand at his cheek, the only thing my eyes could focus on was his eyes. His beautiful piercing blue eyes. Ice cold blue eyes, his skin was paler than ever, and snow white hair. But as i touched his face, a red warmth colour entered his face. I placed my other hand on his around the wand. He slowly let go of his wand and embraced me, and for a short moment i was the reason his feet could stay on the ground. We both slided down the railing and sat on the ground. He was shaking, and i could see his body screaming. My eyes was locked on the sky, even when our own worlds fall apart for us. The stars didn't flicker. I could alomost swear they shone brigther tonight.

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