Part; 5

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«You are my center,
When i spin away»

Harry sat beside me at lunch and still seemed a bit out if it. I turned to him and placed my hand at his knee. He seemed distant.

«What's on your mind?» i asked him and I felt my facial expression turn serious. He looked at me with tired eyes. His glasses had slipped down his nose, and his hair was a mess.

«I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but i'm having these weird dreams latly» I looked at him, and nodded as he spoke. Harry having bad dreams was nothing new. Him being the 'chosen one' was something everyone knew at this point. «Sirius, I see him every night, and he starts telling me something...He looks worried. And everytime he's about to get to the point, something happens. And then he's gone. Just like that» Harry said as he looked more and more tired.

«You should really tell Dumbledore» I said, as he looked away, but he nodded distracted.

«It's just, something is up with him too. He's been acting all wierd latly» Harry almost whispered over the table. He looked worried, and there was no doubt that the reason he'd been so quiet lately was because he was busy in his own thoughts. I worried for him at times, he always felt like every bad thing that happend around here, was somehow his fault. He kept all his worries inside him, thinking he protected everyone else.

«Isn't he always, a bit..» I looked at Harry and tried to bring out a smile. «A bit wierd»

Harry's face turned a bit more relaxed. Ron who sat right in front of us was just about to fill his plate once again. He caught our attention as his plate slammed to the table, clearly on the edge of breaking. He looked at us and raised his shoulders. Me and Harry sighted as we all smiled at eachother. It was good seeing Harry smile. I could hardly imagine the pressure he felt. Last year was a mess afterall, he had already lost so many people he loved, and now everyone knew Voldemort was back.

He who choosed to loveWhere stories live. Discover now