Part; 38

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As I walked towards him I noticed his white skin, it was clear but wore small scars all over his face, he lifted his head towards me. His eyes turned scared. I looked at him and my heart felt tender. It was like I knew him from a distant life. Harry stood right behind me with his wand ready. For some reason I felt safe. I walked up to him, and eventhough I didn't have my wand pointed anywhere he looked so scared, and backed up for every step I took towards him. As he almost crashed into the man behind him he stopped, and he lowered his wand. He straighted his back and took a unsure step forward. Harry didn't take his eyes away from him and I could hear his heavily breathing. I stood a couple inches away from him and my hand automatily reached for his face, I got this strange warm feeling. And his eyes didn't seem angry, rather scared or helpless. As my face touched his cheek, my eyes closed and a light appared. It was like falling asleep, and then waking up in someone else's dream.


They appared like several diffrent moving pictures, but it wasn't the Voldemort I knew and had seen in front of me, it was Tom, an tall good looking man in his teenage. He looked happy. With him in the pictures was a beautiful woman. All the pictures was from the school. Her hair was long and light brown, waved as an uneasy ocean. Her eyes was green as the grass in the middle of june. But her uniform, it wasn't a snake, it was a bagder. She was a hufflepuff. Her smile was kind, Tom turned towards her and rolled his eyes to her. But as he turned he smiled as he could hear that she still followed him. They ran up the stairs, and he stopped at the top when she called for him the hundred time. He stopped and as she stood in front of him she looked at him and smiled. His smirk gave her butterflyes and as she was about to back one step, her feet didn't meet any ground. Tom grabbed her around her waist before she was about to fall back. Then they stood there, in silence, but I felt the same feeling I felt when I was around Draco. A warmness, a sense of being home. The the last picture appared. The same place, at the top of the stairs to the astronomy tower. This time Tom didn't look happy, his eyes was filled with anger, and her's was filled with worry. She placed both her hands on his cheeks and stroke his skin softly. For a moment Tom's eyes turned guilty. Her voice was deep but soft. Now the feeling that filled up inside me was something like how I felt when I sat next to Fred's dead body. But she was not dead, she looked very much alive and her eyes was now filled with anger too.


I lifted my wand up against her, she stood still without showing a flinch of being scared. If anyone was to be scared, it should be her. She knew him, she knew his messed up thoughts and his dark mind. She stepped closer to me and placed my wand up against her chest. «Go on then Tom» She said clearly with a dissapointed expression. «Do it, if you kill me, then I know you love me» She said as she exhaled hard. I looked away, unable to look into her beautiful green eyes. I had to do it, not because I wanted to. But I wanted something more than this. I wanted control, it was my turn now. My turn to show that I was more than just a child no one wanted. And she wasn't going to be the thing that stopped me from getting it. I knew if I didn't do this, then those beautiful innocent eyes would stop me. As she already had done twice now. She was just too nice, eventhough it felt like she understood everything about me more then everyone else, she was just too much loved. She didn't know how it felt to be alone. And the only thing that overpowered the strong feeling of loneliness was being in control. My hand started to shake. She placed her hand over mine and held it still and hard against her chest. «The only reason you'd do this, is because you don't want me to see who you really are» She said calmly but I didn't recognize her face expression. Not scared? I had never seen her like this, angry? Sad? Pitty? Her long brown hair shined and her lips was red as her damn hufflepuff uniform. If he could just, just make her see things from his perspektiv. Then she could sit next to him forever, he would protect her. But he knew. He knew that she would never approve. And it would either end with him becoming soft, or her knowing to much and being able to take him down. She knew him all too well. But this was his gift to her. He gathered himself. Opened his mouth. The words fell out like a unknown song, and he could hear her last words as she fell backwards. 'I love you too Tom'. He grabbed her, and for a brief moment he felt a feeling he never had felt before. It was worse than any physical pain he had ever experienced before. What had he done? She laid in his arms like she belonged there, and her eyes was closed, she didn't look much diffrent from the night she had laid next to him on top of this tower looking up at the stars. He didn't care much for the stars. The only thing that facinated him was her, and how she looked so amazed by how when helium and hydrogen crashed together made a light. His greatest joy had been when she drifted away to sleep and he could stroke through her hair and just look at her perfect shaped face. She always looked happy, and I swear she smiled as she sleept. As her presence faded, a side of him disappeared with her. «Obliviate»

But she stayed close within him. Until he could no longer live without her. He couldn't bare letting her be forgotten for good, so he made her his last horcrux. And though he could not stand to remeber her, even when he didn't, he always knew something was missing.

'You can say what you like 'cause see, I would die for you
I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God
Be my help, be a savior who can
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these reckless words'

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