Part; 20

13 1 0

30 of June, 1997

'He wore a troubled past like wings,
He had been trough hell,
And though no one could see her demons,
They could see the face that conqered them.'

The next day went as the others before. Draco didn't show up at breakfast or lunch. Slughorn had suddently started to like me, unsure if it was because he saw how well i came along with Harry, or if it was because i really did a good job in his classes. Never the less I was happy to get off easy for a change. I sat next to Harry, he opened his book and I could see hand written sections. The writing was far to good to be Harry's work. I looked up at him, and he closed the book fast. «Harry?» I said as i tilted my head. «Let me see» I reached for the book. He pushed it towards me. I opened it. 'The property of the half-blood prince'. «Who's the half-blood prince?» I asked looking at Harry confused. As i looked trough the book it was filled with new spells and simplifications of every subject. «I don't know yet» He answared as he closed the book and looked away. «So that was were you got the spell? The spell you used on Malfoy?» I said as I thought back to how much pain it looked like he was in. And Harry didn't even know what it could cause. Harry nodded. «You need to burn it, you know that right?» I tried to hide the fact that it worried me that he had found a book that belonged to someone who called themself 'the half-blood prince' and that their book was filled with dark spells I'd never heard of before. And if that wasn't bad enough Harry actaully used it Draco without being aware of the risk. Harry saw right trough me and he clearly noticed the resignment in my eyes. As the class was over he gathered his books fast. I looked at him worried. «I have an appointment» He said as he rushed out the door. He hided something from me. I gathered my books and looked over at Dracos emty seat. I sighed. Slughorn noticed, he walked over to me and placed his arm at my shoulder. He gave me a half smile. «Where is mister Malfoy anyway?» He asked curios. I shrugged, met his eyes and smiled. «How is your mother?» He asked as we both walked towards the door. «Well, she is fine, despite the circumstances» I said fast as i tried to brush the converastion away. Slughorn didn't pick up on it. «A shame really, what happend to your dad. A great man» He said before he gave me a soft smile and walked in the oppsite direction as me when we parted in the hallway. People wandered against the great hall. I looked down at the watch I got for christmas. Almost dinner time. I saw red hair almost dancing across the hallway far ahead of me. I smiled. He was definitly in a good mood today. I started to rush against my locker to catch them up again. But as I closed my locker, the hallway was emty and quiet. In the crossroads between the great hall and the hall towards the stairs to the roof, the gryffindor house and some offices I could see Draco walking fast alomst jogging across the hall. For a moment my rational thinking failed. I followed him, and like the first time I saw him this year he looked behind him as he was making sure no one followed him. As he walked to the room of recquirement the door appared and he disappared. What on earth did he do in there?


Ginny shakes me. «Emma!» She almost shoutes. I yawn, but as i open my eyes I can see Ron, Hermoine and Ginny standing over me with big eyes. Hermoine throws some clothes at me. «Harry is gone, he haven't returned since he went to see Dumbledore this afternoon» Hermoine said worried as she pushes Ron out the door so i could change. «Hurry!» Ginny says as I get up from bed. When I'm about to pull the sweater over my head we all froze to the sound of glass shattering. We rush out, and Ron already stand in the hallway. He points towards the great hall, we can see several shadows walking through the hall and towards us. «They are heading for the astronomy tower» Ginny whisper. We follow them, but then one of them turns and notice Ron. «Death eaters» Ron stammered. His eyes were filled with fear. Spells get thrown between us, and we start running towards the school garden. We had no chance, i had fought before with Harry but this was diffrent. They were in a good mood, and they were too many. But then we heard it. A painful scream, a awful loud sound. And then they came back down. The cheers and laugther distracted the people who just fought us. They ran in the direction of the cheers and footsteps. I ran after, only hearing Hermoine calling me like a distant voice. Harry came running down the stair with tears and hatered in his eyes. He saw me, but he ran past me like he didn't. I ran after him outside and down towards the forest. As i crossed the corner, Hagrid's house was in full fire. Harry screamed as he was tossed on the ground by the spell that was sendt against him. I met Snaps eyes. «No! He belongs to the dark lord!» Snape shouted as he pushed a familiar face aside. Bellatrix Lestrange. As Snape turned away I could see another familiar face. His white hair lit up the otherwise dark night. What on earth was he doing? He met my eyes for a minute, I looked at him desperate. He looked at me back, and I could see he wanted to break. I could see in his eyes that something had happend. Something that made him loose something inside him. He didn't break the eye contact before Snape pushed him in front of him. Draco trembled in front of him and looked back. But i was already next to Harry, he cried and shouted. «They killed him Emma, they killed him» Unknown if the heartbreaking screams or intens crying made my heart ache for him we sat there until Hermoine, Ron and Ginny came running down.

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