Part; 28

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'Tell me how to be in this world,
Tell me how to breath in and feel no hurt,
Tell me how could I believe in something,
I believe in us'

I had dividend opinions about being back at school. Snape as headmaster was nothing like Dumbledore. And all though I loved seeing Ginny again, Fred had barly looked at me. And I would be better off without the looks he actually gave me, he looked at me like I was the worst person on this earth. Ginny told me to give him time, that the only thing he had talked about since we left was me, and how he was looking forward to see me again. And when I came back with Draco, he hadn't spoken with anybody for the next day. Everything was up side down, and everyone was at their toes knowing that something was coming. Snape barly left his office, and new teachers who were definitely supporters of the dark lord ruled the school. Only slytherin got away easily. To keep order in the hallways, Snape had created an arrangement with a couple of slytherin students that they were to keep the halls 'quiet and tidy'. You can imagine the chaos between students who hated eachother between houses and now one of them literally had the power to punish the other. And as if that wasn't enough every student that was 'hierd' by Snape, could enter any of the houses at their own wish and at anytime. Most people hated it, and I did too. In some cases atleast. But that also meant Draco coming into my room every night making sure I was safe. Sometimes he even came after Ginny had fallen to sleep, it was like he knew wich nights I had bad dreams. Those nights he just held me, and sometimes i wondered when he ever got to sleep himself.

I walked into the common room, what on earth was Ginny doing? She had skipped two classes today, and though no one loved how things was done at this school latly, everyone tried making the best out of it. As I entered the common room the first thing my eyes met was Fred and George standing in front of me by the fireplace. George looked at me with a careful smile. I smiled back at him before I looked over his shoulder to see Ginny. It felt like I had just walked into an intervention group. «What's up?» I said hesitant. «I think we need to talk to you about something» Ginny said carefully. Her eyes didn't meet mine, and I knew they were up to something. «Okey?» I said just as unsure of the situation. «We don't approve, this thing, with Malfoy» Fred said, and his voice wasn't tender and sweet like it used to be. It sounded jealous and dark. I looked at him and raised my brows. «What has my realtionships to with any of you?» I said as I felt anger rising inside my body. Fred stepped forward, he stood right in front of me now and I could see him tightening his fists. I backed up, and I saw the regret in Ginny's eyes. Fred kept walking up towards me as he placed a hand at my waist as he was about to pull me in to a hug. «Anyone but him Em» He said softly and for a moment I was back to the safe and normal reality. He leaned in, but this wasn't right. I loved Fred, but i loved Draco more. Fred's touch couldn't compare to Draco, and at that moment I knew that I could live with Fred, but I couldn't live without Draco. I pulled back and heard the door open behind me. Fred looked suprised but didn't pull away from me. «Get the hell away from her Weasley» I heard Draco's voice. He was clearly angry and he had already pulled his wand up. Fred didn't look scared, but his eyes widen and for a moment I didn't recognize him. I'd never seen anger in his eyes before this moment. He almost laughed at Draco. «As you would be the person to protect her» Fred said as he scanned Draco. «This is bullshit» Fred said sharp as he looked into my eyes. «Stop it!» Ginny shouted and stepped forward. I backed up and placed myself next to Draco. I placed my head into his arm, and I could tell he started to calm down. «It's okey» I whispered as only he would hear. Fred looked at us, and then he turned away and rushed into his room. George looked at me, shrugged and walked after him. I looked at Ginny, I could tell she felt bad, and in her imagiation she probably picutured everything going back to normal. Draco breathed heavly and turned towards me as he placed his hand on my chin. He lifted my head up, and scanned through my face. «Did he hurt you? I swear, if he hurted..» He said angry, but I placed my hand over his and stroke it. «Draco, i'm fine». He looked at me like he didn't notic Ginny. «I'm sorry Em» Ginny said soft and genuine. I looked at her and gave her a short smile. «I know Gin, things are, diffrent now»

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