Part; 6

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«I know Em, and i think i've known for awhile. I think everyone has. Execpt for him really. I don't think he wants to admite the fact that you aren't his anymore. I'm not mad, if that's what you thought. I love you, and so does he. He just need some time.» The words buzzed like a bad dream, and though I knew things would end up like this i held on to the fact that i wouldn't have to be the one to choose. What do you choose, when you have to choose between the love of your life, and your bestfriend'


I walked towards the library to meet up with Hermoine. She had promised to help me out with our assignment from potion class. As i walked down the stairs from my room, completely in my own thoughts i saw a white haired boy, heading towards up the seventh floor. I couldn't help to spy a bit after him. And as I followed him, I recognized him, Draco Malfoy. He was the only one at the school with fair hair as white as the first snowflakes the winter would drop. He was tall, and walked gracefully upwards the stairs. He was dressed in his black suit, wich made his hair and skin look even lighter, if even possible. His skin almost glowed from the lack of sunlight. He stopped, looked around him like he was making sure no one followed him. I came to my senses and started walking in the direction I actually was headed. As i turned my head to get a last glims of him, he was gone. I knew he was bad news, but Ginny weren't wrong. He was good looking. Something was diffrent about him this year. But he was under no circumstanses good looking enough to act like he did. 


I felt my eyes getting heavy as i yawned. «Am i boring you?» Hermoine said as she stopped writing. She looked at me with a irritated look. I smiled at her and could feel her eyes rolling at me as she turned away and gathered her books.

«I'm sorry, i know i'm hopeless at this subject.» I said as i pulled the book towards me and started to read.

«You aren't even trying. Read trough everything i've been marking for you» Hermoine said smiling strict. «Make me proud.» she finished in an annoyingly superfical (but only Hermoine) way. I sat in my own thoughts as I heard someone walk behind me.

«Is this seat free?» I heard an some what familiar voice speak.

«Sure» I muffled, the library was alomst emty, wich tosh would place themselfs right next to me while I was studying. I turned my head and met the piercing blue eyes, I froze and felt the lack of blood to my face. Atleast that what it felt like. The heat rised, and I realized I probably was red as a rose by now. He smirked.

«Are you following me?» He said looking intensly at me. I looked at him, unable to speak.

Thats just great, he saw me earlier, and how on earth would i explain that? His smirk grew even more.

«Emma? Is it?» He said as he made himself comfortble in his chair. He raised both of his brows, and looked like he waited for a answare. «Anyway, if you want my attention, you could simply ask.» He completed, got up from his chair and started to walk away looking like he had no worries in the world.

«Room of requirement, huh?» i said as soon as my head worked again. As the words exit my mouth i realised that it came out a whole lot more confident then how i actually felt. He turned around meeting my gaze. His smirk faded and he looked worried, before he made a angry grind.

«It's not your business anyway.» He said as he analyzed me from top to toe. But my eyes were locked at his face, he ha an wild and yet beautiful expression. I found myself fascinated by how he immediatly shrunk as I answared. I wondered how I ever found him intimidating, I could like this senario.

«If you don't want anyone to become curios, then maybe you should stop looking so guilty when you wander around in those hallways alone» I said as i notcied how his eyes now were locked on mine. I looked down and continued to read. Suddently he stood behind me, and I felt his breath on my neck.

«If I knew you were so curios about me, I would've asked you to join me.» He said sounding deadly serious. Before he started to walk away again. I felt goosebomps going through my body. He really was good looking. And he definitly was an asshole. He knew exactly how good he looked. I shaked away the thought. He was an good example of an Slyterin, ambitious, cunning and resourceful. And added by me personally, asshole.

!!I have more chapters coming, please give a comeback if you like the story so far!!!

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