Part; 34

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'If you were standing right in front of me
I'll finally see what it means to be complete
Don't need to spend our lives chasing gold
Anywhere with you, I'll call my home
Oh, I'd  have all I need
If you'd be the better half of me'

Fred kissed my hand, «Be safe, promis me» He said softly. I could see George tripping a few stairscases higher. I hugged him just as I was about to leave, «I'm scared» I whispered unsure if he would be able to hear it. «I won't get rid of you this easily» Fred said as he pulled me out and gave me a comforting smile. As I ran after Harry to the basement, the only place we hadn't look for the last horcrux, everything came back to me. My dreams, why my dad left. «Harry!» I screamed after him, he looked back at me suprised. «Snape! You need to find Snape» I screamed with the last air I had in my lungs. Harry ran up the stairs back to me and looked at me. Suddently I felt dissy and my dreams came to me as a blurry sight.  «It's not a thing, it's a person. Voldemort knows that people would search for things. What we didn't think of was that it can also be a other type of 'thing'» I said. Harry looked at me with big eyes and I could see that he started to think. «It's something about this school, right? A memory perhaps. A memory he don't want, or think we can find» I said as I tried to understand the things I saw. «But thats impossible! I destroyed his dairy years ago, we'll never find out wich memory» Harry said as I could see his eyes loosing hope. «Snape knows, we need to find him» I said again. Me and Harry turned quick as we heard slow and targeted footsteps behind us. Around the corner came the snow white haired, dark dressed, broken boy I missed so much. I ran up the stairs, and tears gathered in my eyes. He looked down, and as I locked my arms around his neck he didn't hug me back. He just stood there, with a emotionless expression. His hair was down in his eyes, and his face was more defined than ever before. Small waves in his hair, told me he hadn't taken care for himself. The smug Draco I knew, looked posh and clean. I placed my hand softly on his cheek and strokw him. «What is it Draco?» I said as I could hear Harry walking towards us. «Snape is dead» Draco said as he was about to sobb. Draco reached for his pocket and handed Harry a small glass with what seemed to contain a few drops. Harry looked at him. «What is this?» He asked, and I could hear even Harry tried to go easy on him. «Take it to the Pensieve» Draco said before his voice broke and he fell to his knees. I tried to hold him up, but I couldn't. I looked at Harry, our eyes locked and I knew he knew that I wanted him to go. I looked at Draco, something was wrong. «Draco? You need to talk to me» I said, he was barely able to lift his head to meet my eyes. «I can't- I can't let him kill you»

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